Search feature

   / Search feature #1  


Super Member
Dec 16, 2009
gilmer tx
Bobcat CT235
Probably not doing something right but here is my dilemma. In using the old search feature it was possible to choose a forum to search in. That doesn't seem available now or am I just doing something wrong or not understanding how to do it? :confused:
   / Search feature #2  
Winston.....if I understand your the following....

Go to bottom of your first page.
Click on Quick Navigation (mine says Yanmar by default)
All the forums can be searched there.

Hope this helps.
   / Search feature
  • Thread Starter
Winston.....if I understand your the following....

Go to bottom of your first page.
Click on Quick Navigation (mine says Yanmar by default)
All the forums can be searched there.

Hope this helps.

Probably still doing something wrong. I followed your instructions best I could. It takes me to the same place, that is the "search" tab up above. If I type in a wanted search such as "Yanmar pump specs" it will go to all forums searching. I used to be able to search only in the Yanmar forum. Again, I am probably not doing something right.

284, if you are listening, I am looking for the thread that I thought you had initiated on Yanmar hydraulic pump outputs. Help! :)
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   / Search feature #4  
How about this......

If you're in the Yammar forum......

Click Search Forum

Type Pump Specs in search box

Click the circle... Show Posts

Click search

I just did this and got lots of old posts on the subject.
Good luck
   / Search feature
  • Thread Starter
I am in the Yanmar forum. I see a "search" at the top of the page but do not see a "search forum". Sorry I'm so dense. :ashamed:
   / Search feature #6  
I am in the Yanmar forum. I see a "search" at the top of the page but do not see a "search forum". Sorry I'm so dense. :ashamed:

Winston.....get out of this specific thread and go to the Yanmar opening forum page. The one with all the various threads listed.
At the the dark bar.....there should be two items listed....Forum Tools and Search Forum.
Click on Search Forum and try the instructions in my last post.
If that doesn't work.....send me a private message with your phone number.....I 'll call you.
   / Search feature
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I just found it:

The title "original brochures" isn't really indicative or related to the majority of the content. I should have started a new thread.

Thanks 284, I had found the "original brochures" thread but was convinced in my mind you had more models listed. OH well, my old timers disease is coming on stronger. There was a gentleman on another forum wanting to know pump capacity on a ym155, ym165. You happen to have that information?
   / Search feature #9  
I am not seeing it the same either I have a search the entire forum at the top right and search thread oops there is a search in the header also.
   / Search feature #10  
I do not, unfortunately. It isn't in any of the brochures I have. There was a guy on MTF who just bought a 1300, which shares the same pump. Maybe he could look at his? Then we can post it.