Sales Tax

   / Sales Tax #21  
In Georgia we (farmers) don't pay any sales tax on tractors.

When I was going to buy a tractor I went to the 4 local dealers for quotes. I also went to Carver. One of Carver's main selling techniques is not paying sales tax, but you have to pay delivery tax. According to the rules the tractor would have to be delivered - at least over the state line - for taxes not to be charged. My idea was to hire myself to go to North Carolina, pick up my tractor, and then deliver it to me. This is legal...I have a 1 man corporation and am able to hire myself for different jobs. So I am not the one picking up the tractor, rather I work for the corporation which was hired to pick up the tractor. It just so happens that I am the one the tractor is being delivered to. I still pay the corporation for the delivery service so it is legal. Who owns the corporation? The stock holders. Who is the stock holder? Me.

I found Carver to be a class act all the way. The dealer I bought from, Goss Tractor in Jasper GA was too. The quote from Goss and Carver was about the same. Since I didn't have to pay sales tax in either case I went with Goss because there was no delivery expense.

So if you go out of state to buy, you shouldn't have to pay sales tax...guess it depends on the rules of your state. But consider hiring yourself or a friend to do the delivery, this could save you some money.

As to asking the state as to whether you should pay the taxes...ummm let's think about this, you are talking to a government worker and asking if you should give the state more money. I think the quote "It is better to ask for forgiveness than for permission." my have merit in this case.

I order a good many things via the internet and don't pay sales tax on the items. Don't think the tractor should be any different if you are ordering from another state. Also, don't think it matters what the sales tax is for the state you are ordering from because you aren't paying sales tax anyway.

Can you tell I am a Libertarian?
   / Sales Tax #22  
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!/w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif

These Texas (pronounced Tax'es) Boys down in Austin, may like tractors too. AND might just see your gratefullness to the lack of a state income tax. They might start thinking about you and I having an extra dollar in our wallet. Heaven Fore Bid!

The taxes in Texas (I mean Taxes) are getting near crazy.
Property tax!!!!..........
Well on second thought.
I'll not say anymore about Taxes in Taxes.
I only have 40 Zantac on hand.

Buy Orange. Its Better.
   / Sales Tax #23  
Sorry about that, Cowboy. I guess we should try to keep quiet about that./w3tcompact/icons/wink.gif

   / Sales Tax #24  

California solved that problem 21 years ago by voting a proposition that limited property taxes to 1% and rolled back the property evalutations 5 years. Sounds like that is what Texas needs to do. They do have a state income tax, but at that time it didn't hit most working folks very hard, but the property taxes did. The government swore that there would be no money for schools and govenment, but there was, but a lot of waste disappeared out of the system.
   / Sales Tax #25  
That proposition sounds good to me. That'd make my taxes about half what I'm paying now./w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif

   / Sales Tax #26  

I take offense at the statement beneath your name!
Are you trying to start a color offensive or something? /w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif


"The world without BLUE is too orange!"

We boys and our toys!
   / Sales Tax #27  
An earlier poster implied to purchase a tractor with a cash transaction. This is fine if the amount is less than $9999.99.If You really want a bunch of govt.agencies with initials in their names taking notice of You/Your lifestyle/credit history etc.go ahead & make a cash deal over 10,000. Not only is the consumer(you)required to notify the govt.but also the seller.Sets off all kinds of bells whistles,red flags.You may be able to sneak by w/o doing it but if you get caught the penalties may be severe,especially on the dealer.They(IRS,ATF,among others) will take a very great interest in all Your previous transactions,maybe for a number of years.That said,paying cash will only geta different involved. They may or may not tell Your local/state revenoors. LoL Rotsa Ruck
   / Sales Tax #28  
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell You guys/gals> I own orange, but It's CASE orange, go figger. Been monitoring this site since it came back up,along with others.Bird,MChalkley and all You others posters,keep up the insightful info. Especially on safety,safety,SAFETY!
   / Sales Tax #29  
By "cash" I meant a transaction without financing. Yes, 10,000 in cash used puts you in the must-be-the-devil box. Government figures if you have $10,000 in actual green money. That is because they are too ignorant to realize not everyone like to leave a trail of everything they do as happens with every check, they are all photocopied by the bank, incoming, outgoing, they have you by the short hairs. Does this where "hair-trigger" comes from?

The whole gist of this is that if anyone felt the tax money was not going to be out and out foolishly wasted they'd have a different attitude. I had a friend who once worked in government, if you all knew what was happening with your hard earned and I mean HARD EARNED dollars you'd all go screaming into the night (or at least I wouldn't be the only one ranting and raving). I guess I'm from the old school you don't give foreign countries 10 cents, you give them food, bandages, even Japanese tractors that have been assembled in the US, anything but money.
   / Sales Tax #30  
You always seem to pay on the front end of the back end but you pay somehow someway. What is that they say about death and taxes being inevitable?

It seems like the people that produce nothing and use other people's money are pretty ingenious in justifying their jobs by searching for YOU.

You don't know though, we weren't even mailed a census form this year, been same place 20 years. So...are they assuming I'm still here, already gone, or is the census "count" as off as people say it is?

I'm afraid of the next tax, on tractors and rocks, got not enough of one and too many of the other!