Safety first! Cotton picker fire.

   / Safety first! Cotton picker fire. #1  


Veteran Member
Mar 31, 2021
My neighbor almost got killed harvested our field!
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   / Safety first! Cotton picker fire. #2  
I usually put safety 3rd, behind progress and laziness. Seems this guy did too. I like to think that I have a net overall gain in progress vs setbacks. I hope this guy does too.
   / Safety first! Cotton picker fire.
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I usually put safety 3rd, behind progress and laziness. Seems this guy did too. I like to think that I have a net overall gain in progress vs setbacks. I hope this guy does too.
Machine was running and he was under the head cleaning it with out blocking it up. A hydraulic line or fitting gave out dropping the head and he barely rolled out before it pinned him! Hydraulic fluid sprayed on hot exhaust then ignited is the best hypothesis of how blaze started.

   / Safety first! Cotton picker fire. #4  
Machine was running and he was under the head cleaning it with out blocking it up. A hydraulic line or fitting gave out dropping the head and he barely rolled out before it pinned him! Hydraulic fluid sprayed on hot exhaust then ignited is the best hypothesis of how blaze started.

I'm pretty free and loose with safety, but I won't go under anything suspended by hydraulics. I've had hoses go and it's scary even from the drivers seat.
   / Safety first! Cotton picker fire. #5  
That's scary,it's a miracle he escaped. Some trivia about burning cotton (nothing related to oil fire as in this case). I worked at a gin in the 60s and witnessed cotton catching fire on the way through. Protocol demanded all cotton in the process at time of fire be cleared,sprayed with water then foam and be segregated on open ground at least 150 yards from gin and any combustable material,basiclly sitting in a plowed field with other cotton having been involved in a fire. Cotton in the works was finished processing, baled,and sprayed before moved to field. It wasn't uncommon to sit for weeks without a hint of smoke then re-ignite.
   / Safety first! Cotton picker fire.
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Is this common? To work on a running machine is a "better not do that" flag to me.
I'll ask him about the machine running. I mentioned not blocking the head to go under he his reply was, "I have to do this 10 or 15 times a day, don't have time for that"
   / Safety first! Cotton picker fire. #9  
Wow ! He came real close to not having time for anything !
   / Safety first! Cotton picker fire. #10  
Looks like that cotton was stripped. Was that a cotton picker or cotton stripper? We always raised tall cotton so never ran a stripper before but would think they would stop up more often.

Glad he was not hurt.