Here's a thread from way back when.
Just wanted to post up and say I ordered a 7' Cat 1 Road Boss grader today.
The owner brought a couple units up from Texas today to try. I demoed their 8' Cat 2 grader on a slightly wet roadbed. It did a really nice job, but it about pulled the stuffings out of my poor tractor. Plus, it didn't match up to my Cat 1 quick hitch. Hence the 7' Cat 1 order.
The Road Boss was considerably more expensive than any of the other brands but it is very heavy (> 1000 lbs) and has lots of useful features that are missing in some of the competitors. I ended up paying $2975, and with that price, the owner threw in a hydraulic top link as well. I need to hose and adapt the top link though. That seems like a lot of money for what it is, but if I can keep the washboards knocked down, it should be worth it.
It should be here by the end of the week. I'll post pics when it arrives.