Reverse airflow fan

   / Reverse airflow fan #11  
I cannot comment on your specific tractor, but i have been designing diesel driven oil and gas compressors for 15 years. We use pusher fans on almost everything. They are less effecient when used with coolers, put it keeps the machinery (engines, compressors, valves, instrument panels, fuel tanks, fuel systems, etc) at a much lower temperature in high ambient conditions. Multi-Wing fan company out of Burton Ohio will make you a custom fan. These fans are of plastic multi piece construction. Due to this modular manufacturing approach, they can make one custom piece fairly inexpensive (around $100). If I was really interested in this, I would take off your fan, show on fan rotation and direction of air flow, ship it to them, and tell them you want fan of similar or greater performance, same rotation, but opposite air flow. I am sure they can do this for you. Philip.
   / Reverse airflow fan #12  
I can't speak to about your tractor, but on my BX2200, I did testing of gage positon vs actual temperature. You might want to look at that work. It can run way up on the gage with no problems whatsoever.
   / Reverse airflow fan #13  
Check with Huber Fan in PA - they built some reverse flow fans for an application on M8200s in WA, I am told.

This is not cheap but can be done if you need / want it done.

Good luck!
   / Reverse airflow fan #14  
My dealer had a conversation with me similar to EE-Bota. They said the gauge on BX's just run high. They had done a lot of testing and they aren't over heating. Mine has never gotten in the red, but when mowing it climbs up there. Do you have reason to believe yours is over heating?
   / Reverse airflow fan #15  
I've thought about doing this to get some heat while snowblowing!!

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