RCO Tractor

   / RCO Tractor #1  


Super Member
Dec 16, 2009
gilmer tx
Bobcat CT235
I noticed clicking on the Yanmar name under RCO's home page brings up "Update in progress". That would sort of indicate they are no longer handling Yanmars. Anybody know? :confused3:
   / RCO Tractor #2  
maybe? But dosent one of Hoyes sites Yanmarowners, dosent it say under construction or something for several years?

But given the circumstances i can see them holding off for a bit till things either blow over or are fixed? Myabe they will focus on MItsu's or something?
   / RCO Tractor #3  
In Hoye's case, several years ago they bought the website of a closed firm then never got around to integrating it into their primary site. I suspect they keep it online just so people see the links there that point to their primary site.

RCO - Looks to me like they might have gotten one of those Yanmar attorney letters. Possibly after they had already sold out of Yanmar refurbs.

I'm curious if the UTDA dealers got the Yanmar letters and what they will do now.
   / RCO Tractor #4  
RCO has become a Yanmar dealer. Look at the Yanmar site for dealers and you will find RCO on the list.

   / RCO Tractor #5  
Woohoo yipee look at them (suck up) wonder how that went down? From one of the bad old gray dealers to full on dealer when the rest seem to be sinking into dead ended court battles humm surprised no? :laughing:
   / RCO Tractor #6  
I was contacted by RCO to notify me that they had negotiated a Yanmar dealership and they would be carrying new Yanmars. RCO was one of the most successful reconditioned Yanmar dealers in the USA, not to hard to understand why Yanmar dealt with them on their terms and awarded them a dealership. Also RCO has a great influence in central Texas and if RCO were treated bad by Yanmar it could destroy their future hear. We Texans don't like other Texans messed with or treated unfairly. They also stated that the Yanmar's sold by them would still be able to be serviced at the dealership and supported with Yanmar parts. I reported this awhile back when it happened. I couldn't be more happy, the old 1610 will be serviced at a real Yanmar dealer now. If they can get them in Yanmar colors, Red/Cream/Olive I will buy a new one someday.

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   / RCO Tractor #7  
They also stated that the Yanmar's sold by them would still be able to be serviced at the dealership and supported with Yanmar parts.

Well now thats interesting considering what is taking place with the lawsuits.

btw Isn't VN a Texas company also or do you mean just certain Texans?

"We Texans don't like other Texans messed with or treated unfairly."
   / RCO Tractor #8  
I was contacted by RCO to notify me that they had negotiated a Yanmar dealership and they would be carrying new Yanmars. RCO was one of the most successful reconditioned Yanmar dealers in the USA, not to hard to understand why Yanmar dealt with them on their terms and awarded them a dealership. Also RCO has a great influence in central Texas and if RCO were treated bad by Yanmar it could destroy their future hear. We Texans don't like other Texans messed with or treated unfairly. They also stated that the Yanmar's sold by them would still be able to be serviced at the dealership and supported with Yanmar parts. I reported this awhile back when it happened. I couldn't be more happy, the old 1610 will be serviced at a real Yanmar dealer now. If they can get them in Yanmar colors, Red/Cream/Olive I will buy a new one someday.


But RCO sold the very same "grey" units that they are now sueing to get those out of business still doing so. RCO just stoped as yanmar re emerged. If the guy is correct about the buyback of greys (dont beleive for a second he is) rco has a lot of buybacks to do to conform to the lawsuit?

Also on another note the guy i got my vn refurb from sold cubcadet yammars?