The worst I've done was one day cutting hay and near the end of the day, I discovered my wallet missing. I really never expected to see it again, nor the money that was in it, the credit cards, etc. However, as I was leaving the field, I found it undamaged on the ground where I had entered that field. I figure someone was looking out for me that day.
Once while brush hogging a pasture for a neighbor, I noticed the engine on my Kubota straining like it was working much harder than usual, but I hadn't heard anything that I'd run over, the grass was pretty light, so I stopped, raised the brush hog and found a good length of rope wrapped around the spindle.
And Billy, I never laid in the fire ants, but my brother used my Kubota and brush hog and got a lot of barbed wire wrapped up on it, and then laid in the fire ants. He was brush hogging an unfamiliar and overgrown lot for the volunteer fire department to set up a carnival.