I'm still looking for a solution to deer in the apple orchard. None for 3 years after the new 6 ft fence. Then they discovered they could jump the fence.
But the immediate problem is something new under this old farmhouse that sounds like it is chewing up through the floor and into the walls. Loudly, crunching lumber. Starting at 2am. Nightly.
But there isn't any visible damage. So I got a Wyze webcam to see what is going on.
There's a circus under there every night! The camera shows everybody passing through: Skunk. Possum. Raccoon. Neighbor's cat. Bobcat. Fox, two of them. In daytime the foxes again, birds, and a housecat we've never seen before. Everything we see outdoors visits except coyote and deer.
Turns out the nightly racket is raccoons scraping the floor joists. Apparently, to bring down spiderwebs to eat whatever the web trapped.
What the heck will deter the visitors? There are low decks around 3 sides so wire mesh would have to be installed from the inner side of the foundation, a nightmare with the low headspace. And a noisy alarm would be as much nuisance as we have now. So some deterrent will be my first attack. Maybe Irish Spring?
I put Cayenne down gopher holes, but that would be nasty to crawl in if I later need to go under there.
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