Power Service Fuel Additive Question

   / Power Service Fuel Additive Question #1  


Veteran Member
Feb 9, 2005
Olathe, Ks
Yanmar 1602D
Someone check my math please.........

The power service botttle say it treats and raises the cetane rating of 100 gallons of fuel at an increase of 3 cetane, 50 gallons gets a 6 cetane increase.

The bottle holds 32 oz, what I'm trying to figure out is how many ounces to add to a 5 gallon jug of fuel.

My math..

50 gal = 6400 oz (50 X 128) divided by 32 oz equals 1 oz PS to 200 oz fuel, or about 1oz of PS to 1.56 gallons fuel at the 6 cetane rate, so it sounds like 5 gallons would take about 3.2 oz of PS, right?

Therefore , it would take 1/2 of that to get the 3 cetane rating, or about 1.56 oz PS to 5 gallons fuel, right?

At either rate, this bottle of PS will probably last me the rest of my life at the rate my little 1602D Yanmar sips fuel!

How much should I add? Is it important to go to the higher rating, is it more like going to premium fuel when you engine is designed for regular, or does it really help?

Also, Wally World sells both the "standard" PS and the "Klean" type? I think I've had a clogged injector from time to time, so go with the "Klean" type? Everyonce in a while it'll "drop" a cylinder, running it hard doesn't seem to clear it up, rather, letting it idle for just a bit seems to fix it, then it's full power again.

Enquiring minds want to know!
   / Power Service Fuel Additive Question #2  
I dont see how you could possibly hurt anything by adding too much, we're not talking gallons... I would recomend the 3 cetane boost simply because when I used it on the Power Stroke, I didnt notice a difference between the 3pt and 6pt mixture.. Anywhere in between, in the ball park should do you just fine, 3oz sounds about right.. As for the type, I've only used the Grey bottle, the Kleen stuff might be for old fuel which would probably be a good idea if you let that 5gal jug sit for a while..
   / Power Service Fuel Additive Question #3  
The grey bottle claimed to minimize conditions that promote algae growth, but the white bottle didn't. The white bottle claimed to disperse water but the grey bottle didn't. I don't care about cold gelling but I am concerned about algae or whatever the bugs are that grow in old diesel so I bought the grey bottle.

It is pretty cheap and both bottles claimed to have the lubricity additive and cetane boost. I have used it on an old dozer and would just dump a couple glugs in each 5 gallon can of diesel.
   / Power Service Fuel Additive Question #4  
I add 3oz of the white bottle flavor per 5 gallons of diesel. I have used this mixture year round for the past few years in both my Kubota tractor and IH bulldozer. Never had any problems regardless of temperature with the premium high cetane off-road fuel that I use.
   / Power Service Fuel Additive Question
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Thanks guys!

BTW, how much is in a "glug"? /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
   / Power Service Fuel Additive Question #6  
"BTW, how much is in a "glug"?"

Apparently 1.5 oz exactly.
   / Power Service Fuel Additive Question #7  
Play it safe. Add 2 "glugs" Can't be too careful
   / Power Service Fuel Additive Question #8  
No one answered one of the questions. Yes your math is correct at 1.56 oz/5gal. I put my power service in an old stabil bottle with the oz dispenser and add two oz per 5 gallons. I just dump the 2oz in my 5 gallon jug before I go to the station.
   / Power Service Fuel Additive Question #9  
An old plastic baby bottle works even better. And it's scale is in both english and metric.
   / Power Service Fuel Additive Question #10  
Great idea on the sta-bil bottle. I just tossed an empty one too. Have you all noticed that sta-bil forms some sort of crystal junk in the jug? The crystals end up being pretty large and very visible dark but translucent.

The baby wouldn't be happy about the bottle theft. The big stabil jugs hold almost a quart. Curses for throwing mine away.

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