power rake or tiller

   / power rake or tiller #1  


New member
May 2, 2008
I am looking to prepare my lawn to put in some sod, the area around my house is limestone covered, some topsoil, but very messy with rocks.

I want to get a tiller for foodplots in the future on my property, but when I think about tilling with the amount of rocks around my house site, I think I would be better off renting a power rake or something and holding on the tiller. I just figure I am going to need to rent a skidsteer and power rake, vs. using that $ to invest in a tiller....which means i will need to wait for the tiller. I have a 4310 JD, but not able to find a 3 point system for power raking. any thoughts? I have at least an acre area that needs to be prepped for my lawn. I am most likely going to sod....I have some hilly areas that wash out bad when I have tried to seed them...

   / power rake or tiller #2  
I would think your Deere if equipped with a 3 point "York" rake would do an excellent job of soil prep. Such rakes can usually be found used for $400-500. I did my one acre lawn 16 years ago with a Deere GT and a rented tow behind stone rake. In my area of PA we have just the minimum amount of soil to fill in the spaces between the rocks, but after about 4 passes in various directions, I had a nice smooth area to plant seed (or lay sod). I guess my point is that you don't really need a power rake or a skid steer unless your rocks are lunchbox sized and bigger. Mine were mostly fist sized and smaller.