Overheard conversation!!!!

   / Overheard conversation!!!! #131  
Plastic isn't a four letter word..... debt is. ;)

Amen, Moss! TBN Members not only read these threads but add well thought and stated responses to them. I spend hours reading this stuff and must say "Great Advice" 99% of the time.
   / Overheard conversation!!!! #132  
The depressing part is when you start forgetting what you already learned....

yes I'm 34, and now i have to leave notes with most projects so i can my wrap my head back around what the **** i was doing.
   / Overheard conversation!!!! #133  
A Sharpie and Thumbtacks have served me well.

Use a Sharpie to write on equipment or appliances where and when bought plus warranty...

The Thumbtack is great for under sink notes or literature for faucets and garbage disposals...

A friend has a white board in his garage for oil changes and vehicle service... he is around 80 but can tell you exactly when and what service was done...

I can see how it would be only natural for kids to feel they know everything... when the Mom would babysit the grandkids and they wanted a DVD or Cable show... the 5 year old would take care of it...
   / Overheard conversation!!!! #134  
I use to think that, and now even with thinking, I'm still above the average person in terms of intelligence. It bothers me how much i actually DON'T know, and how i will never have enough time to learn all the subjects i want to learn, kind of depressing to be honest.

If you realize how much you don't know then you sir, are much more intelligent than most people. I know a lot about a little and a little about a lot. But I am ignorant of most things.


   / Overheard conversation!!!! #135  
When I was in college and in an engineering class, we went on a field trip to the new cop shop. It was built like an H beam laid on its side, with the top floor sitting on a kind of spine. Windows all around the perimeter. When they moved in they set up the filing cabinets along one side of the upper floor and the whole floor tilted over, popping the widows out of their frames on the other side. Big disaster.

Then some years later they figured out it was built directly on an earthquake fault, so they abandoned the whole thing and tore it down.

It looked nice and it was touted as an example of fine contemporary architecture. To me it was an example of stupidity. :laughing:
   / Overheard conversation!!!! #136  
   / Overheard conversation!!!! #137  
The Davis/Bacon Act was the biggest boondoggle I've seen. Nothing against great wages for a superior job but when forced to pay Davis/Bacon for shoddy, half-azzed work really irritated me. 8 schools built, all D/B and they are crap! When Gov't is involved prices quadruple.
   / Overheard conversation!!!! #138  
Bought a new car at a dealership...found out 6 months later my salesman opened up a business cc using my credit. All online, I had no clue...until they called letting me know they were suing me for 10k in unpaid debt.

I claimed fraud, they agreed and I didn’t have to pay. After this that, I was the one who figured out who did it. Called capital one to let them know how all this happened and they could not have cared less. ‘We don’t prosecute third parties sir.’

I had to go to three different police stations to get them to ‘take the case’. They finally did, arrested the guy and he went back to prison cuz he was still on parole.

He now has a job selling cars at the same dealership my wife bought her truck.

The messed up thing about identity theft...was that while I didn’t have to repay the 10k, my credit was down in the 600’s. It’s now back up in the 800’s, but good thing I didn’t need a loan in that time.

I now carry only and check my credit twice a year...it’s scary how easy it is to open up a ‘business’ card online.
   / Overheard conversation!!!! #139  
When Gov't is involved prices quadruple.

I learned years ago that most companies that have any experience dealing with government entities learn to charge quadruple because they'll earn it. On any project or sale, they don't have to satisfy one or two people, but a lot of people and some of those they have to try to satisfy can't even agree with each other on what they want. And then, when a job or project is completed, they may have a long wait to get paid. In the city for which I worked, most things had to be bought on a bid, and in many cases, the city paid for the low bid when the low bid was four times as much as you or I would have to pay if we walked into a retail establishment and paid for that product.
   / Overheard conversation!!!! #140  
Yep... I would go time and materials for my best contractors... in 25 years there was never an issue... and there were a few audits.

Now that we have been bought by a Health Care Giant everything requires multiple bids and simple projects get real expensive fase plus there are so many additional steps and hands in the pot...

I had a deal with the owner of a very large Time/Clock company for Operating Room clocks and timers...

He gave me unbeatable prices... the best offered.

Now we have to go through the buyer and the prices have tripled.

Just today there was discussion about some of the services I have been doing business with for years... they are all going up on price since the merger... the reason is we had been enjoying special pricing and now that we are part of the big Market Share company the low prices we have been paying would jeopardize the price structure in place charging the big company.

I asked one of the owners and he said it costs more all around to do business with the big company.... I would make his schedule mine and stay late of come early... no problem... now this is not possible.