Our barn/home - per requests

   / Our barn/home - per requests #21  
By any chance are you near Hampton Virgina? my daughter lives in Hampton.That whole norfolk hampton roads area is very confusing because there is water all around in all different directions and some big rivers that have a wide mouth and look like lakes. i never can figure out where the ocean is. I think it is the ocean and it is the Chesapeake Bay, or a river. Beautiful area though, just beautiful.
   / Our barn/home - per requests #22  
glad you psoted the pics showing another egress out of your daughters room. i also was worried about that one. But really your place is very very nice. Notice I didn't say "Oh"
   / Our barn/home - per requests #23  
rox said:
By any chance are you near Hampton Virgina? my daughter lives in Hampton.That whole norfolk hampton roads area is very confusing because there is water all around in all different directions and some big rivers that have a wide mouth and look like lakes. i never can figure out where the ocean is. I think it is the ocean and it is the Chesapeake Bay, or a river. Beautiful area though, just beautiful.


Hampton is across the Bay via the Hampton Roads Bridge tunnel which is due N.W. of me but I can actually see Fort Monroe on a clear day. The bridge goes right by the Fort and the highway that feeds it is about 5 min from my home. If your coming SE (the other direction) on HRBT you'll see the Naval Air Station on your right. She's about 15 min from me with no traffic. If you google earth the area it's amazing just how much water we are surrounded by. Your right it is a beautiful area to live, sometimes I have to smack myself and say "THANK YA LORD!!!":)

Oh and I forgot to mention were across the inlet from Little Creek Amphib Base so at any given time I can watch the SEALS train in the Bay or watch the RAMCATS (hovercraft) do training. It's a safe feeling...sort of.
