Old tractor maintenance, 8 hr job

   / Old tractor maintenance, 8 hr job #1  


Super Member
May 12, 2013
   / Old tractor maintenance, 8 hr job #2  
That they were. Today's tractors are "easier" to maintain-assuming you do not have circuit board or computer issues. Then it becomes out of reach for the home mechanic.
   / Old tractor maintenance, 8 hr job #3  
That they were. Today's tractors are "easier" to maintain-assuming you do not have circuit board or computer issues. Then it becomes out of reach for the home mechanic.

Yup......"circuit boards or computer issues"

That is PRIMARILY why I have two completely refurbished tractors, instead of new.
   / Old tractor maintenance, 8 hr job #4  
They were designed with the farmer in mind, so that he could do most of the work required with minimal tools. Contrast that with the new JD ag tractors and their proprietal software; you need to have one of their techs work on it.
   / Old tractor maintenance, 8 hr job
  • Thread Starter
Some things I noticed about that video, there is no compressed air for cleaning but there was plenty of kerosene, and how'd that radiator accumulate so much debree.......... and using grease gun for greasing the throwout bearing, that sounded like a good idea to me along with greasing the rear wheel bearings, but the front bearing have to taken off and out, clean and regrease with grease all over your hand, messy. Oil in the basket under the air filter, that sounded like a not so good idea, no wonder so much kerosene was use. And nuts to hold the spark plug wires on, now that's old school.
   / Old tractor maintenance, 8 hr job #6  
It's great now, especially with cars, to just look up how to do a job online.
