Oil Filter Cross HHK7014070 to a Baldwin?

   / Oil Filter Cross HHK7014070 to a Baldwin? #1  


New member
Jul 4, 2011
North Eastern Alberta Canada
Kubota 1140: Belarus 420 : Duetz 9005: Duetz 6275: John Deere D: Allis-Chalmer CA: Case 210:
I have a RTV 1140 & would like to have Baldwin Filters on it
HHK7014070 is the Hydrolic & the Trans Hyrdrolic
I have been able to cross the engine oil & the Suction to Baldwin
Does any one have experience with such

Regards Myles gemini@gemini.ab.ca
   / Oil Filter Cross HHK7014070 to a Baldwin? #2  
I doubt you'll easily find a cross on the trans filter. Most Kubota trans filters are not available anywhere except the dealer.

If the Baldwin/Hastings website doesn't show it, I'd not be surprised.

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