Oh boy grandkids are here, quick lock the doors.....

   / Oh boy grandkids are here, quick lock the doors..... #1  


Super Member
May 12, 2013
My granddaughter just started walking, into everything when she's here, tie this lock that, I find my slippers in the cupboard. Trying to find a better way to keep her from opening the cellar door which leads to outside, if she opens door, one step tumble tumble.......Wife comes up with the old butter knife in the door jam trick, usually she only uses them for screwdrivers but now I see a huge problem on the horizon, granddaughter shows up in the afternoon to be watched for awhile, wife throws a butter knife in the door, decides to visit her friends for show and tell, locks the front door, I come home from work and cant get in unless the butter knife bends or the door jam breaks or both, ugh.......

I need something for a deadbolt that can be installed on a 1-1/4" inside wooden door that opens in, I bought one like this>> Ideal Security Inc. SKGLKW Keyed Deadbolt, White - Door Dead Bolts - Amazon.com

Problem is these only work right for doors that open out so the door wont hit the latch plate, when a door opens in the door will hit the plate. The other deadbolts I see are made for 1-3/8" and thicker doors, my inside door is 1-1/4", looking for some ideas after working all day not in the mood to bend butter knives.....

The other grandaughter will be walking next year.....where will she put my slippers............
   / Oh boy grandkids are here, quick lock the doors..... #3  
You can install any door look up high and be safe. But if your door knobs are round then just get the children proof door knob covers. The slip or pop on your knobs and require being squeeze to grip to open. Should be fine for a few years. Now if an adult has weak grip they may have issue with opening the door. Hardware stores should have them,even Walmart.

Man forgot to say, ENJOY THEM. It will not be long and you will miss those little steps. What a blessing grands are.
   / Oh boy grandkids are here, quick lock the doors..... #4  
Sometimes to prevent a kid from opening a door, you can always go cheap and simple. The child proof knob covers as previously mentioned are an easy option. We just installed a hook and eye latch on the top of the door to keep our grandkids from "escaping" :D
   / Oh boy grandkids are here, quick lock the doors..... #5  
Found this:

Amazon.com : Child Proof Deluxe Door Top Lock : Baby

Apparently it can be locked and unlocked from either side of the door. Miss my grandkids being little; oldest is 25 now, youngest...twins...are 10 (see avatar). This was never a problem with them at least for our entry doors; toddlers, to my recollection, couldn't open an entry door any way. We have deadbolts that are keyed on both sides; I used those because they doors all have glass panes in them.

Oh, Sharn Jean says "Feed them candy and send them home". Onliest problem here, they eat candy, cookies, drink soda and clean out the frige now...and no place to send them 'cuz their mother works nights...!
   / Oh boy grandkids are here, quick lock the doors..... #6  
Just added double keyed deadbolt to back door recently for same reason... have key hanging on hook on wall high up since I don't carry keys around when home.. granddaughter likes to let cats and dog in and out.. she gets up early sometimes before anyone is awake, concerned she would go out.. got one more door to go.
   / Oh boy grandkids are here, quick lock the doors..... #7  
Ahhh yes the memories. ;)
   / Oh boy grandkids are here, quick lock the doors..... #8  
Had numerous occasions when I lived in a neighborhood where I would be working in the front yard. Here one of the neighbors yell a name and "get your butt back here". Look up just in time to see a little streaker booking it down the sidewalk with a parent on there heals :D

The funniest was the neighbors twins. They would escape while there mom was preparing a bath for them. As soon as they hit the side walk they headed in opposite directions :D They had to install double dead bolts on all there doors, and hide there keys from those boys :p:):D
   / Oh boy grandkids are here, quick lock the doors.....
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Thanks for the links, I'll check them out, one I never heard of. First I'll read though these grandkid stories, sure are a handful when they start walking, early next year I'll have two running around here when they visit.

I start out with kids, make everthing child prove, they grow up then I remodel some of the areas in the house without kids in mind, then all of a sudden seems like I have to get out the gates, lock the doors and bar the cupboards. One cupboard door wife lets unlocked with few plastic dishes and on the other side of the kitchen is the closet with her toys, she dont care about that she wants to get in that one cupboard door, take out all the plastic containers out then she puts them back in with few other things of this and that....
   / Oh boy grandkids are here, quick lock the doors.....
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Just added double keyed deadbolt to back door recently for same reason... have key hanging on hook on wall high up since I don't carry keys around when home.. granddaughter likes to let cats and dog in and out.. she gets up early sometimes before anyone is awake, concerned she would go out.. got one more door to go.

That's the idea I'm having, up out of reach from both sides of door, I dont have keys on me either.