Not getting notifications for subscribed threads

   / Not getting notifications for subscribed threads #21  
Are the subscribed threads coming up in My Home?
This thread for instance shows up in subscribed threads. It is currently on top. I seem to have over 700 subscribed to threads. I do notice when I go to the subscribed to threads the notifications checkboxes are NOT checked for notification?! I select 'instant' for all subscribed to threads because it is the ONLY option available, but there is no 'save' button or similar item to make it so....
   / Not getting notifications for subscribed threads #22  
This thread for instance shows up in subscribed threads. It is currently on top. I seem to have over 700 subscribed to threads. I do notice when I go to the subscribed to threads the notifications checkboxes are NOT checked for notification?! I select 'instant' for all subscribed to threads because it is the ONLY option available, but there is no 'save' button or similar item to make it so....

My bad. when you open the pull down box in the bottom right where they are several types of notifications. Select the button which will highlight. Now while that box is open there is a go button at the bottom right of that pull down window. That is your save. Press go. Now goto your list and you will see the changes recorded in the list. Be it instant NONE or whatever.
   / Not getting notifications for subscribed threads #23  
I might try signing up for a gmail or other email account and switching TBN to it just to test.

Gmail works fine for me. Some other providers are known for flagging TBN messages as spam.
   / Not getting notifications for subscribed threads #24  
My bad. when you open the pull down box in the bottom right where they are several types of notifications. Select the button which will highlight. Now while that box is open there is a go button at the bottom right of that pull down window. That is your save. Press go. Now goto your list and you will see the changes recorded in the list. Be it instant NONE or whatever.

Ok, I did that, and after having selected 'all' subscriptions at the top of the page and selecting the top notification checkbox, that put all subscriptions on the page with a check mark in the box to their right, I went to the dropdown and selected daily email notification and GO. Then the subscription page showed daily with NO checkmarks by any of the boxes on the page? Is this right? Have I done everything necessary or do I need to close out of the subscription page to make it 'stick'?
Sorry to be so dense- I'm just not sure what it's asking me for:confused3:

   / Not getting notifications for subscribed threads #25  
Are the subscribed threads coming up in My Home?

They never have on my PC. Only Alerts which is PM's. One another note I get notification on my phone android app and my iPad. But never notifications on the PC version. If there is a way to do it. I'm unaware of it. I can get emails though. I Turned that off because of too many emails. I had it set to instant.
   / Not getting notifications for subscribed threads
  • Thread Starter
They never have on my PC. Only Alerts which is PM's. One another note I get notification on my phone android app and my iPad. But never notifications on the PC version. If there is a way to do it. I'm unaware of it. I can get emails though. I Turned that off because of too many emails. I had it set to instant.

So when you click on "My Home" you don't see this?

   / Not getting notifications for subscribed threads #27  
So when you click on "My Home" you don't see this?

When I click My Home I then go to the left and select SUBSCRIPTIONS. Then I see that page. But like you I have no idea know has replied to any message of mine unless I go thru that list. One nice thing about the iPad. I get notification that are pushed to the TBN app icon showing thread mail you might say. It also shows ALERTS after I open the app if I have them. Same thing on an android pad/phone. It would sure be nice to have visual notifications displayed on top of MY HOME. I have about three pages of threads I subscribe to. Certain key threads I have instant turned on. Let's say I had the front porch set for instant. I'd have a mailbox full of emails in a few hours. I really thought Vbullitin had the capability of posting notifications visually the same way alerts are done for PM's.
   / Not getting notifications for subscribed threads
  • Thread Starter
When I click My Home I then go to the left and select SUBSCRIPTIONS. Then I see that page. But like you I have no idea know has replied to any message of mine unless I go thru that list. One nice thing about the iPad. I get notification that are pushed to the TBN app icon showing thread mail you might say. It also shows ALERTS after I open the app if I have them. Same thing on an android pad/phone. It would sure be nice to have visual notifications displayed on top of MY HOME. I have about three pages of threads I subscribe to. Certain key threads I have instant turned on. Let's say I had the front porch set for instant. I'd have a mailbox full of emails in a few hours. I really thought Vbullitin had the capability of posting notifications visually the same way alerts are done for PM's.

When I click on my home I see the subscribed threads. I don't have to click on the subscriptions folder. Most of my threads pop up in "my home" but I have caught a few that don't at times. Then never showed up on the TBN app on my phone or tablet.
   / Not getting notifications for subscribed threads #29  
I got it! I found over a 1000 emails in my JUNK folder of Outlook 2010! I do NOT know how they ended up there, but after taking ONE random notification email and telling it that it was NOT junk now they are all coming into my inbox as they used to! Yahoo! And no they were not all TBN notifications- there was other 'junk' in the box.
Thanks guys for making me take a closer look!:duh::confused2::censored: