Newer JD 2320 - *big* radiator leak

   / Newer JD 2320 - *big* radiator leak #1  


New member
Aug 9, 2013
st. marys, ks
My newer 2320 (only 275 hours) developed a huge antifreeze leak, my big mistake. Engine overheated while I was mowing some tall grass with the 62D belly deck for about 20 minutes. Radiator screen (in back of the fan) was meanwhile getting caked with grass, no with dummy came on that I noticed. Tons of steam, fluid all over the engine and compartment.

Upon refilling radiator directly, there is some really bad leak - the water just pours right out the bottom of the radiator almost as fast as I can fill it. Funny thing, I cannot see where it is coming out - the two large hoses are fine where they meet the radiator. It appears to be leaking from the very bottom of the radiator, where I can't see. The bottom of the radiator sits on some foam, a piece of which the hot pressurized steam blew apparently right out of there - so I can somewhat where the water is dripping coming from. The radiator doesn't look too terrible to take off, but then what? Can leaks be soldered or does it sound like a new radiator is in the works?

EDIT & FOLLOW UP: The radiator only took 5 minutes to get out (luckily), and I now see the problem - the whole bottom of the radiator itself is plastic. The pressure created about a 6 inch crack in the plastic. I'll ask the dealer if that piece can be replaced separately. The frugal part of me wonders if some very strong epoxy might fix it. But that's probably not safe I suppose?

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