New welding table I made

   / New welding table I made #1  


Gold Member
Mar 28, 2008
Eastern CT
2021 Massey Ferguson 4707
Our family farm and my concrete business generate a somewhat regular need for welding stuff, so after years of welding on makeshift tables made out of sawhorses and plywood, my dad and I finally made a dedicated welding table. You can see on the front corner where there is no wood under the steel top. That's where we clip the ground.

The 4" angle iron has multiple holes for a 3/8" bolt to cinch down. The bolt goes down through the steel top and through the 1 1/8" plywood to a nut that's welded to a small plate which is screwed into the bottom of the plywood. I welded a washer on the head of the bolt for easy, tool-less turning.

I used steel casters and the red handle to move the table is from a roll away tool chest. The 4" angle iron isn't quite done yet, as I have to modify it to allow clamping things horizontally.

I'll post pics of the welder and plasma cutter here soon. Our local welding shop has commented that "for a concrete outfit, you guys sure do a lot of fabrication."


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   / New welding table I made #2  
Awesome.... Finally got to use my new build the other day.... What a improvement over sawhorses and plywood or garage floor....
   / New welding table I made #3  
There is a significant chance of fire with this table. Be careful. Personally, I'd have found inexpensive scrap iron rather than the expense of that large dimensional lumber to make the table out of. Not trying to rain on a parade, but I have seen wood welding tables catch fire.
   / New welding table I made #4  
There is a significant chance of fire with this table. Be careful. Personally, I'd have found inexpensive scrap iron rather than the expense of that large dimensional lumber to make the table out of. Not trying to rain on a parade, but I have seen wood welding tables catch fire.
Maybe raise top plate up a tiny bit and put a sheet of cement board between plate and plywood as insulator....
   / New welding table I made
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There is a significant chance of fire with this table. Be careful. Personally, I'd have found inexpensive scrap iron rather than the expense of that large dimensional lumber to make the table out of. Not trying to rain on a parade, but I have seen wood welding tables catch fire.
How about a second layer of thicker steel?
   / New welding table I made #6  
Maybe raise top plate up a tiny bit and put a sheet of cement board between plate and plywood as insulator....
Or maybe just use all steel? Mark has a valid point, welding and wood don't work together well in a garage with wood studs and a table constructed of wood has the same issues, except being even closer to the fire.
Assuming this wood table is moved outdoors (I see paint and flammables in the picture) to use it, and then stored inside at night. What happens when you get an glowing ember stuck in a crevice of the wood, and put it away for the night and then the wind picks up or the HVAC fan comes on? The glowing ember finally decides to start burning better and hotter, and the table ends up burning down your shop? Is it worth it to take the risk?
Now, as far as a work table, that is a nice one, but not as a welding table. Put a vice on it keep it away from a welder!
If the O/P weren't so far away, I would even go so far as to offer him an all steel table in trade for it, since I have several of them that I got in a deal I worked out with a guy who got a bunch of tables from a manufacturing plant that removed a line of machinery and it all set on heavy duty steel tables. (one table top was 1.75" thick!! Most are 1").
I would even be willing to consider working out a trade for some fresh concrete!!!
David from jax
   / New welding table I made
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FWIW fellas, this is our first dedicated welding table. Up until now, our welding "table" has consisted of simply plywood on top of a couple sawhorses.
   / New welding table I made #8  
The risk is real. The problem is more often with sparks from grinding and cutting more than heat from welding. Sparks can build up in corners and start to create enough heat there to get the wood smoldering over time. If you are welding and scorch the wood, it will be immediately obvious but a smoldering fire can start long after you leave.

I welded over sawhorses for quite a while too, but those don't really have much place to catch and hold sparks. You have a plywood shelf below that is perfectly suited to cause that exact problem. If you store anything on that shelf it will create even more places for sparks to build up that you can't see.
   / New welding table I made #9  
I really hate that we rained on Wobblin Gobblins parade, expecially when he did build a nice table. I hope he enjoys it and never has a fire from it!
David from jax
   / New welding table I made #10  
I really hate that we rained on Wobblin Gobblins parade, expecially when he did build a nice table. I hope he enjoys it and never has a fire from it!
David from jax
What a fire extinguisher is for. I built one as well but I used all steel. Top is 1/4" thick HR plate 4x8. legs are angle iron and it's on industrial neoprene casters with brakes and it's HEAVY too.

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