New Kubota B2910 HST

   / New Kubota B2910 HST #1  


New member
Aug 26, 2000
New Hampshire
Kubota B2910 HST, Bush Hog ATH 600
Hey everyone. I'm a new member..even though it says visitor for some reason. two days ago, I got my new Kubota B2910 first new tractor after 22 years of driving the low end of the beat up used tractor market...figured I finally deserved a break...and what a break. This thing is incredible. I was going to go with the B 7500, but after reading posts in this discussion group, and considering my property, I opted for the bigger machine. I have 27 acres of New Hampshire fields and woods...up on an old hillside farm. I'm doing my mowing with a new Bush Hog ATH 600 finish mower (runs off of 3 Point hitch). I never have enjoyed mowing more. My back used to get jarred real badly by all the bumps and various field obstacles...but this tracto cruises over it all like a boat on water. The only things that have been less than perfect were: we had an initial problem with the safety switch hooked to the HST pedal....wouldn't let the tractor start. That was ajusted and works now...onlt messed up once since then. The next is the throttle lever seems pretty hard to move. It's very hard to smopothly ajust the RPMs because the throttle handle kind of sticks when you try to move it. The last thing...the one I was the most concerened about, is all of a sudden, today, my second day using it, every time I tried to engage the rear PTO, the gears would matter how long I held the clutch in, and also keeping the engine at low RPM while doing this. Then all of a sudden it seemed to only do it slightly, and the last few times, didn't do it at all. Does anyone have any clue what was going on there? It was like the clutch hadn't really disengaged the shaft that drives the PTO even though it actually had...can't figure it out. Also, the ROP bar had one set of holes that didn't quite line up no matter what I, when I had to lower it, when mowing under apple trees, it was VERY hard to twist off the bolt. I used a dremel tool with a grind wheel to clean up the hole a bit, (hole wasout of alignment with the threaded part by maybe 1/32") and now it works great.
All in all, I love this tractor...plenty of power and an absolute breeze to operate on my very hilly and challenging topography!


new member
   / New Kubota B2910 HST #2  
Don, looks like you're listed now as a new member instead of a visitor. I have a B2710 and RDTH 600 Bush Hog finish mower. As for the gears grinding, the clutch could need adjusting if it isn't releasing completely, but first off, is there any chance the hydro pedal was depressed a bit (or the lever on the right that the B2910 has and the B2710 does not)? And of course, if you've had the PTO going, disengaged it, and then tried to engage it again while the drive shaft was still turning. In other words, I guess you know that it simply means something is turning in those gears. And I don't have the fold down ROPS, but sounds like you fixed that. I think some of them are made to fit awfully tight in hopes they won't get any complaints about rattles. And the very stiff throttle lever seems to be fairly common. I'm not sure where to find it in the archives, but there have been some messages posted with instructions for adjusting that (I still haven't changed mine and it's still a bit stiff, but it's either gotten better in 200 hours or I've gotten used to it)./w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif Have fun with the tractor and welcome to the forum.

   / New Kubota B2910 HST #3  
Don, Congrats and good luck on your new machine. Re the throttle I don't know if your linkage is similar to mine (I have the poor mans machine - L2500DT :( ) but the throttle needed a few shots of lithium grease at all the linkage points and a little working in and worked fine after that. I think it's probably just still tight and fresh paint on some of the link points thta may need to wear in a little. The grease should help a lot.