Mystery sound

   / Mystery sound #1  


Super Member
Mar 1, 2012
Coös, N.H.
Kioti LK3054xs
There is a weird "earth" sound that I hear, most often in the spring and wondered if anyone knew what this could be. It seems to come from the small mountain/large hill across the road from me. Almost sounds like an old diesel tractor starting up, running for 5-6 seconds or so then stalling....kind of a putt, putt, putt, put-put-put-put, putt, putt sound. There's nothing but woods for several miles in that direction so I really doubt it's anything man-made. As I mentioned, it seems to happen most in the spring, is often heard right after a vehicle has driven by though it does it at random other times too. I'm guessing it's caused by the ground warming up, but was curious if anyone else has ever noticed this.
   / Mystery sound #2  
Welllll - the only thing that sounds anything like that around here is the male turkeys during spring mating season. They strut around and make a weird sound - like what you indicate - during their mating dance - they are flapping their wings. Any other ideas I might have are probably best not put to paper - ya know what I mean!!!
   / Mystery sound #3  
My next door neighbor has turkeys and that noise is pretty loud
   / Mystery sound #4  
Don't get me going on turkeys!!! Around here they are all wild and at a moments notice they will be in your yard tearing the snot out of anything and everything. I've never seen such a destructive force!!! Several neighbors have had their lawns - and I'm talking lawns 5000 sq ft and bigger - ripped to shreds from flocks of these critters when they dig. AND word has it that they are tougher than shoe leather - only fit to eat if you deep oil cook them. I hear them in the evening and morning just over the ridge from my house. They were imported into this area about 15 years ago and have bread like rats. Its not unusual to see flocks of 30-50.
   / Mystery sound #5  
I know grouse will sound just like that, like an old "popping Johnny" starting up, running a second, and killing. It's from them thumping their wings against their bodies.
   / Mystery sound #6  
Don't get me going on turkeys!!! Around here they are all wild and at a moments notice they will be in your yard tearing the snot out of anything and everything. I've never seen such a destructive force!!! Several neighbors have had their lawns - and I'm talking lawns 5000 sq ft and bigger - ripped to shreds from flocks of these critters when they dig. AND word has it that they are tougher than shoe leather - only fit to eat if you deep oil cook them. I hear them in the evening and morning just over the ridge from my house. They were imported into this area about 15 years ago and have bread like rats. Its not unusual to see flocks of 30-50.

We have them here too; I counted 64 in my front yard one morning. They are noisy, but I haven't heard them making any put-put sounds though. They haven't been destructive to my knowledge, but in this area, none of the yards are less than an acre and lots of folks feed them. Here in Oklahoma, in the old days, we used to hear the old one-lunger oil well pumps that made a sound like that.
   / Mystery sound #8  
Probably a grouse "drumming" on a log...a mating ritual. Look it up on YouTube.
   / Mystery sound #9  
Just learned about this myself - Have heard the noise you described occasionally for the last few years and never really knew what it was. Then yesterday I nearly stepped on a grouse walking through the bush along the ridge and when I looked it up in one of my books I read about the mating ritual and everything started to make sense!
   / Mystery sound #10  
Is this going to be another one of those pallet thread things?
Did you happen to see how the squirrels respond to this .....sound?