Missing 777

   / Missing 777 #1  


Elite Member
Apr 12, 2011
I did a quick look and did not see a thread about the missing jet. Anyone here have thoughts about what may have really happened? There are enough high powered satellites in the world to spot a DIY cup floating in the middle of the Pacific and nothing is being found. I'm starting to think it disappeared intentionally.
   / Missing 777 #2  
I did a quick look and did not see a thread about the missing jet. Anyone here have thoughts about what may have really happened? There are enough high powered satellites in the world to spot a DIY cup floating in the middle of the Pacific and nothing is being found. I'm starting to think it disappeared intentionally.

Don't have a clue where it is, but I think something nefarious happened to it. The "transponder was shut down, and likely a deliberate act".

3 VHF radios and 2 HF radios on board, not counting the engine data transponders which some say sent data for up to 5 hours after the transponder quit transmissons. Of course the story keeps changing. I really don't know anything at this point.
   / Missing 777 #3  
From the bits main stream media are supplying, it sure smacks of a hijacking to me. I keep hoping it will turn up somewhere with passengers & crew still breathing. Longshot, I know. :(
   / Missing 777 #4  
The South African Airways passenger jet that went down in that region turned out to be an elaborate case of sabotage since it had on board plutonium and rocket fuel (contraband being acquired by agents of the SA government from China and Korea). As it turned out, the rocket fuel got configured as an incendiary device since the US gov and the UN were aware of both materials and that it was destined for SA which had embargoes at the time. Who exactly "modified" the rocket fuel to rig it to explode during the flight is not clear, but thats what happened with the loss of the crew and all passengers as a fire broke out and the cabin filled with smoke over the open ocean.
   / Missing 777 #5  
I have no idea, the "pro's" have no idea. BUT I know I don't have it!
   / Missing 777 #6  
I've been following the news and listening to the 777 pilots who have been commenting. It's hard to believe that the plane failed, so it's either the pilots, terrorists or somebody shot it down. My guess is that it's at the bottom of the ocean and either the pilot or co pilot are responsible.

   / Missing 777 #7  
The loss of a simple thing like an air speed indicator has caused the heavies to crash. The margin between overspeed and stall at cruising altitude is very small. If one air speed indicator fails, the pilots often don't know if they should believe the second one.

Why the transponder was turned off but the military claims that they were tracking it on radar is a mystery. I would have thought that after 911 a fighter would have been sent up to investigate any such scenario, before one finds it plowing into the center of your city... I know that was done with a business jet (before 911) when the crew blacked out from lack of oxygen and did not respond to the FAA flight following. The fighter did a "top gun" stunt to look in the cockpit to see if any crew activity could be seen and they ended up following it to the ground after the tanks ran dry and it went into a shallow dive.
   / Missing 777 #9  
But what if they do...

I think someone would be claiming victory in solving it then. No debris field is suspect, The engine maker was receiving info from the engines for almost 4 hrs after it went off radar? Probably sitting in a hanger in N Korea for all I know.
   / Missing 777 #10  
I think someone would be claiming victory in solving it then. No debris field is suspect, The engine maker was receiving info from the engines for almost 4 hrs after it went off radar? Probably sitting in a hanger in N Korea for all I know.

My thoughts too, plane was hijacked, all systems disabled and plane is in a hanger somewhere, and all the people are kidnapped.