I would like to thank everyone for the kind thoughts. I have a past history of pneumonia and other episodic respiratory conditions. What started off as what was probably a case of "walking pneumonia" that I did not really do anything about (except keep on working, play hard, and kick up a lot of dirt and debris with the tractor and brushcutter/string trimmer

) that eventually developed into a condition known as "BOOP"- Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia Idiopathic Type (ie unknown) which is a very rare inflammatory lung disorder that kept me in the hospital for 3 weeks. Respiratory failure led to serious cardiac complications, etc. Although I was tested, prodded, probed, invaded, and drained for everything (and I do mean everything

) and at times looked like a fly in a spider web with all the lines, wires, tubes, and drains sticking in me the doctors could never identify the specific entity that caused the inflammation even with biopsies, although all the specialists felt it was something in the environment that triggered this pneumonia which does not present as any other except those auto-immune types (like Farmers' Lung

) and which would even have been worse. I will probably be dealing with this for awhile, but all the doctors feel that if I stay on the medications and keep inhalation of fine particulate matter (ie rotary cutter dust, manure, dirt, etc.) to a minimum (ie dust mask) I should be OK. I should have pressed my "advantage" about the tractor cab during the height of the illness, but that Darth Vadar like contraption (and others) kept getting in the way of my "brilliant" dialog. If I should begin to present BOOP again, the cab option (ie new tractor) is in serious "GO MODE", but honestly it is not worth it to fake it

. Again I would like to thank everyone for their best wishes and I look forward to getting some more seat time in a couple of weeks. I still have ~ 8A's to cut with the rotary cutter and will need to RC the "lawn" now that it is so overgrown, as well as other pending projects

. Jay