lost nuts!

   / lost nuts! #31  
When I was young, my Dad always blamed me and my brothers for loosing his tools out of his tool box! I have no kids so I guess I blame my wife? She's always using something out of my tools. When I find the tool and ask her about it she says "oh I guess I forgot to put it back"??? Lifes little ups and downs.
That's when I provide her a basic set and voila we now have yours and mine -and mine are now off limits
   / lost nuts! #32  
My wife is a tool thief too. She knows where I keep them, so they are easy to find. But when I can't find one of my tools, I look in her junk drawer first, and that's usually where she put them.
I thought my wife only that bad habit ;) if I don't put her stuff back where I find it....yikes.
   / lost nuts! #33  
I'm always surprised how you can forget where you set down a tool - and look and look, only to find it was pretty much in front of you all along.
   / lost nuts! #35  
   / lost nuts! #38  
Last name Gozenya?
   / lost nuts! #39  
Since I have been working on my Nova for the last year, I do a lot of work at my bench assembling things and looking through the dozens of Ziplock bags for the small parts I need like screws, bolts and clips of some sort. After dropping so many of them, it's clean as a whistle under the bench from using the push broom to pull them out from under he bench. Seems they almost always hit by shoe and shoot off under it. A couple have fooled me though and went behind me under the Snap-On tool box, the little buggers.
   / lost nuts! #40  
Yeah I used to drive my Dad nuts (speaking of lost nuts... ;) ) growing up as per normal kid logic, when I finished with a tool, I'd drop it and walk away: done! Never put stuff back. That would drive him bonkers. As an adult, I put stuff back religiously and have very well organized tool boxes.