Litter, people are just slobs

   / Litter, people are just slobs #1  


Elite Member
Apr 12, 2011
We own a commercial property that has a couple banks and a couple fast food restaurants on it. Needless to say the fast food places create a incredible amount of trash and litter. Yesterday, we were there mowing and cleaning up the property when over my shoulder I hear the sound of a plastic cup hitting the ground. When I turn, there is a woman sitting in her car with her bag of food and outside her car is her now empty cup, her used condiment containers and a few other discarded trash items. ...So I walk over to her a bit pissed off and ask her if it was ok if I go go her home and throw all my trash on her front lawn, ..she says it was on,y my water... Well, I pick up her discarded items and throw them through the window of her car and tell her to get off the property and that she can be a pig somewhere else but not here. Obviously she was stunned and did not expect to be confronted, however, she was obviously done with her cup because she threw it out her window again as she left our lot. ... People are such pigs. I just don't get it.
   / Litter, people are just slobs #2  
Those type just don't care..selfish,but you can bet they would be the first to call foul etc. if they thought were being pick on etc.
   / Litter, people are just slobs #3  
Good for you!!! Most people don't have the guts to call out those litter pigs.

I had a woman that used to stop by in her pickup truck, if I were outside when she came by. This gal was a chain smoker. She'd light one from the other, while she sat in her truck talking. She'd smoke 4 or 5 in the hour that she sat there yakking. And that was okay, I smoke too, so that part didn't bother me.

But she'd throw her cigarette butts down in my yard. THAT bothered me. I don't do that myself in my yard or anyone else' yard. The filter don't deteriorate. My cigarette butts go in my pocket until I get to a trash can. ...carryover from the military I'm sure. I started casually picking up her cigarette butts and just tossing them in the back seat of her pickup. Yep - that got her attention. And that stopped the tossing trash out in my yard too.

There are a few that just aren't thinking. And there are a bunch that simply don't care - about your property especially.
   / Litter, people are just slobs #4  
Just take a look at the DC national mall after the obama swearing in!

   / Litter, people are just slobs #5  
We own a commercial property that has a couple banks and a couple fast food restaurants on it. Needless to say the fast food places create a incredible amount of trash and litter. Yesterday, we were there mowing and cleaning up the property when over my shoulder I hear the sound of a plastic cup hitting the ground. When I turn, there is a woman sitting in her car with her bag of food and outside her car is her now empty cup, her used condiment containers and a few other discarded trash items. ...So I walk over to her a bit pissed off and ask her if it was ok if I go go her home and throw all my trash on her front lawn, ..she says it was on,y my water... Well, I pick up her discarded items and throw them through the window of her car and tell her to get off the property and that she can be a pig somewhere else but not here. Obviously she was stunned and did not expect to be confronted, however, she was obviously done with her cup because she threw it out her window again as she left our lot. ... People are such pigs. I just don't get it.

That's a good question, and I have often wondered about that myself. When I was growing up, there was a big push here in this state to stop littering; "Every Litter Bit Hurts" was the motto, and we heard it on TV, radio, at school and on roadside signs. We became conscious of littering; there were folks, like filling stations that sold or gave away "litter bags" to go in your car/truck. Consequently, the highways were pretty well kept in that regard, but you still would spot the lone sofa or old frige on a country road at times. I am still a neat freak in that regard; but I have some grand kids that will leave a trail of candy wrappers from the couch to the mailbox...and they do hear about it from me.

I think times have changed, and attitudes along with the times. We now have participation trophies for just showing up, everybody's a winner, fear of somebody actually "losing" or having their "self esteem" bruised, entitlements for just existing, everybody's special, special this, special that, etc. We have raised a generation of brats, and it is being expressed in several ways; one of which is disregard for others and their property.
   / Litter, people are just slobs #6  
Yep, when I was a teenager and my Dad owned a service station, we had litter bags, but very few people wanted one. But now we have the plastic grocery bags from Walmart, Kroger's, etc., so we keep some in each vehicle. With the abundance of such bags, I don't understand why we have all the litter that we have. My wife and I quit smoking nearly 10 years ago, but when we did smoke, we had ash trays in the vehicles, and used them. But even here in town, I sometimes find cigarette butts in our yard.
   / Litter, people are just slobs #7  
Thanks for having the guts to do what you did. I to am disappointed in the lack of pride in some. I feel that some people are at a disadvantage in the fact they have never had someone to jump their case when they would do something like that. If she was smart she would realize you just did her a favor. Others feel that this world is there to serve them and the heck with everyone else. I'm not sure why they feel this is a winning attitude when all it brings to them is negativity and false fulfillment. Anyway thanks again we need more people willing to confront The self entitled. I know it's getting harder and harder in this politically correct world to stand up for yourself and your beliefs.
   / Litter, people are just slobs #8  
That's a good question, and I have often wondered about that myself. When I was growing up, there was a big push here in this state to stop littering; "Every Litter Bit Hurts" was the motto, and we heard it on TV, radio, at school and on roadside signs. We became conscious of littering; there were folks, like filling stations that sold or gave away "litter bags" to go in your car/truck. Consequently, the highways were pretty well kept in that regard, but you still would spot the lone sofa or old frige on a country road at times. I am still a neat freak in that regard; but I have some grand kids that will leave a trail of candy wrappers from the couch to the mailbox...and they do hear about it from me. I think times have changed, and attitudes along with the times. We now have participation trophies for just showing up, everybody's a winner, fear of somebody actually "losing" or having their "self esteem" bruised, entitlements for just existing, everybody's special, special this, special that, etc. We have raised a generation of brats, and it is being expressed in several ways; one of which is disregard for others and their property.
you said it...Brats!
   / Litter, people are just slobs #9  
I remember the 70's & 80's commercials with litter deterrent attempts, the old Indian guy crying when canoeing thru a nice river and into a inner city litter fest tires etc. That Indian made a bunch of commercials & got to me as a kid & being I loved playing in creeks & such always stuck with me. My cars are littered up but you wont find anything intentionally going out my door or window... We had some inner city trash move into the HUD home across the street. My self and neighbor we share a drive with got into it with them on multiple occasions with police coming 2 or 3 times. Once the fat mom was yelling at one of half dozen brats about leaving garbage in her car (she parked in front of out city house or the drive neighbors.) He opened door and tossed it onto the ground and I said "pick it up!" She came un glued about me yelling at her kid, I exclaimed I was talking to HER! She slammed door of car and into house I picked it up half full cup of pop and set it on hood. Cops showed up short time later and was or 3rd of 4th time complaining and same with the neighbors beside us. Into house cop went and our came the MOM and picked up the garbage :D

Needless to say my car was egged the following week, so had cops come "investigate" and speak to them nothing was done but finally the place was foreclosed on and out the "trash" went!!@!

   / Litter, people are just slobs #10  
It is amazing here in the USA how we can carry a 44 oz. drink around until it is empty but don't have the strength to carry it to the trash.
I spent weeks working in Australia and attended the blessing of the fleet. This is an all day event with over 10,000 people present.
At the end of the day the park and streets were as clean as the start of the event.

Here we expect others to clean up our messes.