Limited posting space

   / Limited posting space #1  


Gold Member
Mar 19, 2008
When I try to post, I get very limited space. I see posts that go on forever, but I am very restricted. Been here since 2008. Am I doing something wrong?
   / Limited posting space #2  
Are you doing this from a regular pc browser, or some tablet/phone app? I don't think I can be of much help but the people that can will probably want to know this.
   / Limited posting space #3  
If you are doing this from a browser, click on the triangle on the bottom right corner of the text box (circled in yellow below) and drag it to the size you want:

Aaron Z
   / Limited posting space
  • Thread Starter
Thank you so much.
   / Limited posting space #5  
If you are doing this from a browser, click on the triangle on the bottom right corner of the text box (circled in yellow below) and drag it to the size you want:
View attachment 405592

Aaron Z

Well now that is interesting..I didn't know that. But of course it always automatically scrolled for more space, but I did not know you could "open up the box" to see more of what you had typed without scrolling. I should have noticed the little triangle arrow, but I never have. Thanks Aaron
   / Limited posting space #7  
When I exceed the small space, I just keep typing and the text at the top moves up automatically. I don't have to do anything special.
Like this^^^^
   / Limited posting space #8  
Now that is good news. I just did. Now when I post I can see about ten lines at the same time before having to scroll down.
   / Limited posting space #9  
And on my computer, once you slide it down to "open up the box", it stays bigger. :thumbsup:


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