Left handed people must really be happy now with new the laptops..........

   / Left handed people must really be happy now with new the laptops.......... #1  


Super Member
May 12, 2013
You left handed people must really be happy now while the few right handed people like me are screwed.....................

I think my laptop is on it's way out, a couple days ago I turned it on and the screen or monitor what ever you call it went all streaky and the background color is off, the only way I can make out what's on the screen is click the screen reducing icon at top right. Did a scan with AVG and system restore and still messed up, ask a few people at work and they seem to think its the laptop, but it's only a 2010 HP, so I guess Que sera sera...............


So the past couple days I've been looking for a new basic laptop, with the criteria of $600.00 or hopefully less<<<<sofar seems to be doable, 15"-17" screen<<<<easy to find, then a centered touchpad<<<<<impossible to find nowadays, and last but not least the power cord must be on the right side to accommodate the outlet<<<<<haven't gotten that far yet.

I've been on Amazon, Walmart, Newegg, and Best Buy<<< guy at work recommended them because they have the Geek Squad that will help with computer issues without bringing the laptop back to store. But sofar they all have moved the touch pad to the left, why did they do that..... near as I can tell they did that cause they moved the number keys down to the right so then the laptop makers then had to move the touchpad to the left to keep it under the F&J keys so the professional typers can still type 3000 words a minute, well how many professional typers are on TBN, good grief companies make everything else for basic people they cant make a laptop for basic laptop users, makes me so mad I could go kill a tree......................

Maybe ten years from now there will be multitudes of right handed people with shoulder injuries from reaching over to use the left handed touchpad. And no I dont want to use a separate mouse like my wife does and everyone else does here, a laptop is for the lap, my lap is on the couch, I dont wont to reach over on the coffee stand to use a freaken mouse, am I the only one against these freaken left handed laptops...............................
   / Left handed people must really be happy now with new the laptops.......... #2  
I hate touchpads!

What I did to get around that problem is to get a wireless mouse and keyboard. They are very inexpensive.

When I take my laptop on the road, I still use a wireless mouse but use the keyboard built into the laptop.
   / Left handed people must really be happy now with new the laptops.......... #3  
My coworker uses a ball trackball instead of a mouse with his laptop. It sits stationary on the couch next to him. It would take some getting used to but he really likes it. Being left handed myself, I still use a mouse with my right hand. It's one of the very few things I do right handed along with a few tools that are made for right handed people.

   / Left handed people must really be happy now with new the laptops.......... #4  
Anyone that types like a normal person would want the touch pad centered under the space bar, as your hands are usually there, and your thumbs will be able to reach the touch pad.

When people do keypad entry (the numbers) they do that with their right hand. Many people that did keypad entry used the mouse with their left hand to avoid having to take their right hand off the keypad.

Anywho.... get a cordless mouse. It solves your problem. ;)
   / Left handed people must really be happy now with new the laptops.......... #5  
Oh yeah, I'm left handed but right eye dominant. Mousing right handed was natural for me. However, 30 years in I.T. taught me to switch the mouse to my other hand about every 3-4 weeks to avoid carpal tunnel. So I'm mouse ambidextrous. ;)
   / Left handed people must really be happy now with new the laptops.......... #6  
I broke my wrist about 20 years ago and went left handed and discovered that the mouse buttons were reversable, was still an ordeal.
HP, is one brand I avoid as they seem to vanish when you have a problem.
Now use Toshiba and Lenovo.
   / Left handed people must really be happy now with new the laptops.......... #7  
When shopping Newegg or similar, consider the 'Off-Lease' units. They're higher end units that usually were only turned in because the company upgraded. They work fine and are often better than what are sold to consumers. I've been able to find them for $300 or less.

Ditto on the Trackball. Just got a Logitech M570 for about $25
   / Left handed people must really be happy now with new the laptops.......... #8  
I'm one of those who never liked the touchpads; still use a wireless mouse. And I keep up my subscription for the Geek Squad at Best Buy. I've never asked them to solve anything on the phone, but it's not too far for me to drive to their place when I have a problem.
   / Left handed people must really be happy now with new the laptops.......... #9  
NEVER let the Geek Squad at Best Buy touch your computer or laptop. They will take over administrative control of it by placing THEIR password on the admin account. (The contract you sign with them says this in the fine print). What this means if that if you ever want to install a new program or make any changes to the settings on your computer, you need to go to them to do it.
   / Left handed people must really be happy now with new the laptops.......... #10  
NEVER let the Geek Squad at Best Buy touch your computer or laptop. They will take over administrative control of it by placing THEIR password on the admin account. (The contract you sign with them says this in the fine print). What this means if that if you ever want to install a new program or make any changes to the settings on your computer, you need to go to them to do it.

I can't say that's never been done, but I CAN say it hasn't happened to my computer at the Denton, TX, Best Buy.