Learn MIG first, then try Stick?

   / Learn MIG first, then try Stick? #1  


Elite Member
Apr 21, 2012
Cascade Mtns of WA state
Kubota B-series & Mini Excavator
Has anyone learned stick AFTER mig?

It makes a lot of sense that you can learn puddle control much faster and easier on a MIG. Then apply that to your stick learning process.
   / Learn MIG first, then try Stick? #2  
While MIG seems simple to lay a bead, it is much harder to control the puddle so as to prevent cold lap and non-fusion on the root of these welds. This is what gets a lot of MIG welders in trouble because they don't understand puddle control nor even how to set the machines for proper welding.
MIG really is more complicated than stick for properly setting the controls which is one reason most welding schools will teach stick first then TIG and finally MIG.
   / Learn MIG first, then try Stick?
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Yeah a school has weeks to teach. While Bro - to - bro has to make progress in a couple days. Problem is,,,, what ‘ bro welder ’ knows anything about puddle control anyway? Not many they just weld. And it generally works.

But its a valid question.

I bet welding schools are pretty entrenched in a rigorous curriculum, would take kind of a rogue teacher to even attempt changing tradition.

Curious how many have gotten good a stick welding after starting on MIG. Some are naturals of course. But any normal folks have stories to tell?
   / Learn MIG first, then try Stick? #5  
Since your topic addresses Mig versus stick on puddle control learning I will add the following

I first "learned" puddle control with gas welding but will admit that my reading the puddle was not at the level it could have been.
TIG is where the puddle control really came into focus. (yes that is an intentional pun)

In my opinion TIG is the best at allowing the guy behind the hood to see the puddle clearly with no restrictions and you can play with the puddle to your heart's content. Often when I want to just "play with the puddle" I will pull out the TIG using no filler and just move the puddle around to experiment with amps, thickness and the more esoteric setting on my Tig machine.
   / Learn MIG first, then try Stick? #6  
Reading the puddle is very important. Also anticipating what the puddle will do is very important. When welding pipe in the 5-G vertical up hill. Or just welding vertical up hill on plate. I watch how the puddle lays. If I don't like the way the puddle lays, I change the rod / gun angle.
   / Learn MIG first, then try Stick? #7  
Well if you really want to improve your welding skills then get proficient stick welding aluminum!
You will invent some new cuss words too.
As welds go it can be called better than nothing.
   / Learn MIG first, then try Stick?
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OK, RickB did it this way, furu has a TIG & oxy/acet. A guy cussed out his Aluminum stick weld project. A pro welded 5G on a pipe, while hanging vertical by his beltloops on an oil rig on stormy seas at 35*below zero..... :thumbsup:

For the newby TBN welder whos trying to teach himself how to use his new (fantastic) tool,,, and has only a MIG. Hes in the garage, nothing adventurous. What tips are there to control the puddle with the MIG? Anyone have a favorite YouTubes pertaining to this subject?
   / Learn MIG first, then try Stick? #9  

For the newby TBN welder whos trying to teach himself how to use his new (fantastic) tool,,, and has only a MIG. Hes in the garage, nothing adventurous. What tips are there to control the puddle with the MIG? Anyone have a favorite YouTubes pertaining to this subject?

Well put -
Give us links!