Kubota BX Plowing Snow Video

   / Kubota BX Plowing Snow Video #11  
I run the BX at full throttle (3400 RPM) when I plow snow.
I haven't had the pleasure of plowing snow yet but I think I'm usually around 2200 to 2400 rpm doing FEL work. But it's been awhile because of winter so I could be off a bit on the numbers. Honestly I go by feel and sound. Never have max throttled her yet!
   / Kubota BX Plowing Snow Video
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I haven't had the pleasure of plowing snow yet but I think I'm usually around 2200 to 2400 rpm doing FEL work. But it's been awhile because of winter so I could be off a bit on the numbers. Honestly I go by feel and sound. Never have max throttled her yet!

At 2400-2500 RPM they hydro becomes more responsive and is "happy." I usually run it at 2500 RPM for most things unless I need more ground speed then I increase the RPMs. I mow at 3100-3200 RPM.
   / Kubota BX Plowing Snow Video #13  
At 2400-2500 RPM they hydro becomes more responsive and is "happy." I usually run it at 2500 RPM for most things unless I need more ground speed then I increase the RPMs. I mow at 3100-3200 RPM.
yep that sounds right!