Just bought 6 acre of land. Now what???

   / Just bought 6 acre of land. Now what??? #221  
Our place is pitch black, miles from street lights or cities… We ended up placing a number of solar spot lights in the landscaping, as well as motion lights on the garages to provide some light. It adds just enough so that you can see some surroundings. Before that you could not see your hand 6” from your face
👍 Doesn't get any better than that CKF . . .
   / Just bought 6 acre of land. Now what???
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Well between moving in the camper, cleaning out the rental, and getting most of our stuff into a storage unit it's been a rough couple weeks.

Been in the camper for a week now. I had to extend the stairs out some. They were steep. Gypsy has adjusted pretty well. She's finally coming down the stairs on her own without one of us having to stand next to them for "Moral Support"

Got the rest of the stuff put away and cleaned up so it doesn't look like a hoarders paradise inside.

Been having to adjust the registers to get the heat to spread out through the camper correctly so the living area isn't freezing and the bedroom and bathroom were roasting. You know its bad when my wife is actually turning the heat down

Internet is getting installed Tuesday. Then we should have some more options for entertainment. So far we picked up a few movies from the discount section of dollar general.