John Deere 750 no brakes

   / John Deere 750 no brakes #1  


New member
Jul 15, 2010
John Deere 750; Deutz 5506
I recently purchase a 1985 JD 750 which had no brakes.. the pedal would offer no resistance and would go all the way down. I just replace the brake shoes and have reached the maximum adjustment on the brakes and they still don't come close to stopping the tractor when moving. The brakes are expanding drum brakes. Everything looks fine with the hub and shoes but something is definately wrong. I am posting to see if this is a common problem and any thoughts to possibly fix. I am considering sliding a copper pipe over the studs which the shoes ride to raise them up a bit and hopefully engage the spinning drum. Thanks in advanced.
   / John Deere 750 no brakes #2  
Seems if you replaced the brake shoes, you would see where the linkage is not right.
But hopefully you can get some help here.


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   / John Deere 750 no brakes
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Thought I would post back to possibly help future victims. I got a JD service manual and the specs for the internal brake drum diameter are 130.0-130.1mm (with less than 1.5mm eccentricity). My drums are measuring 131.6mm so they are probably considered bad from "excessive wear".

I have been able to limp it along by wrapping the static post in the brake shoe assembly with copper from some flexible copper pipe (like the tubing used to connect air compressors to the tank) but this solution does not seem to last very long. I am always having to re-adjust and sometimes have to take out the assembly to mess with the copper wrap.

I just placed an order for used replacement drums. Now to figure out how to get the old drums off... they have been rusting on there for 27 yrs. I have tried using a three jaw puller but the jaws will not stay in those three holes in the back. Here's hoping that I don't fry any seals when I heat it up!
   / John Deere 750 no brakes #4  
Thanks for the update!

Seems strange that 1.6 mm is worn out to that degree. Were new drums availible from the dealer?
   / John Deere 750 no brakes #5  
how to replace brakes shoes
   / John Deere 750 no brakes #6  
On the block the one the shoes sit on with the screw head, there are two different thicknesses. Turn to the larger one see if that helps then adjust by the linkage
   / John Deere 750 no brakes #7  
MP7197_________UN02JAN94.gifThe 650 and 750 did not have the adjustable anchor post. That was on the 850, 950, and 1050. To replace the shoes, simply disconnect the linkage at the brake housing, then remove the six bolts holding the brake assembly on. then remove the housing and replace shoes.