JD 310SG TLB won't start

   / JD 310SG TLB won't start #11  
When you use #1 kerosene you should use a
lubricant as #1 kerosent has none
IMHO PS would be a better choice more benifits

   / JD 310SG TLB won't start #12  
When you use #1 kerosene you should use a
lubricant as #1 kerosent has none
IMHO PS would be a better choice more benifits

Up here, even double dosing PS did not stop gelling, hence the need to mix the dyed #1 diesel in it.
   / JD 310SG TLB won't start #13  
What about adding some lubricant??
Happy you can keep your fuel from gelling.
When I lived in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
I never had to add anyting to the fuel and
just purchased from the gas station.

   / JD 310SG TLB won't start #14  
Some stations near here do blend fuel and this winter they ended up at a 80/20 ratio. As I don't use much fuel in the Fall, I just wish they would offer the blend earlier for people preparing for winter. Older equipment probably had less problems with gelling than newer equipment with finer fuel filters. My Toolcat uses a 2 micron filter.
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   / JD 310SG TLB won't start
  • Thread Starter
It sounds like you're dealing with a sudden and puzzling issue with your JD 310SG. Despite your usual precautions, it abruptly stopped running after starting normally. Given the extreme cold, fuel gelling could indeed be a concern, despite using Opti-Lube winter additive. However, other factors like fuel delivery or electrical issues might also be at play. It might be wise to conduct a thorough inspection or seek professional assistance to pinpoint and resolve the problem swiftly.
I think most tractor owners can handle the mechanical part of fuel delivery system repairs and troubleshooting... I feel comfortable with that and the simple electrics that diesels have. So much so that I've been ignorng the low pressure side of fuel delivery from tank to injector pump - figured it was bulletproof - until this cold weather problem caught me by surprise.

I know next to nothng about diesel fuel or about the technical part of gelling, waxing, and additives.
Maybe it's time to drag out some text books and do some studying.
   / JD 310SG TLB won't start #16  
Paraffin dropping out of suspension when it gets to the cloud point of the fuel.
Additives help when used and mixed in before the fuel reaches it's cloud point.
Once it starts few additives will help. Heat is your friend once it happens.
Tarps and salamander heaters are very effective when the heat is held in and the injection pump and tank can be heated. Heated filters will actually help a bit.