iseki ts3110 /white 2-30

   / iseki ts3110 /white 2-30 #1  


New member
Jan 6, 2012
farmall super a/ white 2-30
I have a white 2-30 wich is a iseki ts3110 f my big question is can some one tell me which isuzu 3cyl diesel is in these tractors so I can try and find some parts for this thing
   / iseki ts3110 /white 2-30 #2  
Is there no data plate or casting numbers on the engine itself? In my experience, normally the model number and sometimes other information is actually on the engine.
   / iseki ts3110 /white 2-30
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The only tags left on the tractor is the model tag under the front cowl I cannot find a tag on the engine or casting numbers on the block
   / iseki ts3110 /white 2-30 #4  
Were it mine, I'd try pulling the valve cover off and seeing if there is a head number, at least to check to ensure there isn't anything under there.

For what it's worth, the Nebraska test data says the engine in a 2-30 is an Isuzu 3AD1. But if the parts are suspect because of not having any tags on the tractor or engine, you may not be wise to go based on that number.

What parts do you need?
   / iseki ts3110 /white 2-30
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I will try that thank you for the help
   / iseki ts3110 /white 2-30
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I am looking for a water pump and a engine gasket kit had to pull the head to have new valve seats put in
   / iseki ts3110 /white 2-30 #8  
I can supply you with parts.
   / iseki ts3110 /white 2-30
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I sent you an email thanks for the help
   / iseki ts3110 /white 2-30 #10  
Any Iseki parts available?...
Looking for a tie rod for White 2-30

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