Iseki sr1100cd rototiller

   / Iseki sr1100cd rototiller #1  


New member
Dec 7, 2019
Iseki TX100f
Does anyone have a service manual for this rototiller. Im wondering what oil/grease to use and what quantity?
   / Iseki sr1100cd rototiller #2  
I'm pretty sure i have sent you a whole bunch of manuals right?

For sure in one of them is detailed info on the 1100CD rototiller.

   / Iseki sr1100cd rototiller
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Thanks Marcel, I had a look and appear to still have those manuals but not convinced I have one with detailed info on the rototiller. I will double check anyway. Thanks
   / Iseki sr1100cd rototiller
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You were quite correct. I've checked. I downloaded them to a tablet and whilst the chapter isn't named after the rototiller it is indeed there. I will now read it. Thanks once more for your help. I begin to wonder if you and I are the only owners of these tractors but I suspect there are many out there. Thanks.
   / Iseki sr1100cd rototiller #5  
Haha don't worry, we are not alone. But i guess because it's winter not a lot of people will be active with their land or tractors...

Over here the weather is actually brilliant, hardly any sign of winter, and still using the tractor every week :)

   / Iseki sr1100cd rototiller
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Been very mild here too. I had another problem with my tx1500. After I bought it I started it about six times and then it wouldn't start. Turns out the clutch of the starter failed. Found someone who repaired it for me. Will check out my rototiller in the next few weeks. Hope to get hold of a link box for the tractor in the coming months. Thanks again. I had forgotten that your files included a user guide/service guide for the rototiller! There were a lot of pdf files of course. Best wishes to you.
   / Iseki sr1100cd rototiller #7  
What is a "link box for the tractor"?

   / Iseki sr1100cd rototiller
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Same as a transport box if you know what I mean. A little box that can be put on the three point so that it can be raised and lowered. I'm hoping to move soil and perhaps gravel with it since I don't have a front loader.
   / Iseki sr1100cd rototiller #9  
It's something like this:


It does have lots of features like the ability to dump, the tail gate can be flipped down to increase the length, does have a cutting edge on the back so you can reverse into loose material to load the box up.
   / Iseki sr1100cd rototiller
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Yep. That's what I want. Thanks ptsg.

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