I made it!

   / I made it! #21  
congrads ! the ones that I know that are retired say they sometimes forget what day it is because every ay is a Saturday for them

Yep, my week has two different named days, Saturday and Sunday. My trouble is keeping track of which Saturday it is, first, second, third, etc. :)
   / I made it! #22  
Yep, my week has two different named days, Saturday and Sunday. My trouble is keeping track of which Saturday it is, first, second, third, etc. :)

You guys suck! :laughing:
   / I made it! #24  
Congrats on your retirement. I been doing it for over 9 years. You will enjoy the days with no time table attached to them.
   / I made it! #26  
Congrats on retirement. 5 years for me :)
   / I made it! #27  
One thing about my work, it's seasonal. So I work 8 months and off 4 months, so I'm retired every year for 4 months. At the end of the 4 months I'm begging ti get back to work, after 8 moths I'm begging to be off work. Don't think I could be retired 12 months a year.
   / I made it! #28  
One thing about my work, it's seasonal. So I work 8 months and off 4 months, so I'm retired every year for 4 months. At the end of the 4 months I'm begging ti get back to work, after 8 moths I'm begging to be off work. Don't think I could be retired 12 months a year.

An elderly Gentleman said to me once. "To me the definition of Retired is doing what you want to do each day. So,,,, I guess I've been retired all my life". He's a farmer.
   / I made it! #29  
I'm in my 4th year of retirement and as I look back at all I accomplished after work while working..... I don't know how I did it. All you can hope for is your health after this point and enjoy everyday as time is precious. I had almost 42 years in with one company not counting the other places I worked in my life. Now I do what I want when I want unless the other half tells me different..
   / I made it! #30  
Congrats on your retirement. I've been at my job almost 23 years and I'm still loving it. I will work at least 10 more years, as I'm not quite 53. My wife on the other hand is a county official, and she counts the days until her retirement. As of today, she has 2 years 364 days to go.
