The blades on my King Kutter were so bad I had to remove them to sharpen them this year. I followed your same procedures. It had set outside for a couple of years before I had a barn for storage, and that stump jumper holds water like a bowl. The bolts were seized in there good. I used a 6' cheater on the 3/4" breaker bar, and it took everything I had to break the nuts free. I used blocks of wood under it to hold the blade and jumper in place while I slammed the bolts with 3lb and then 8lb sledges. When I got them out I cleaned them with a wire brush and slathered them top to bottom with neverseize. The blades were so bad that after reassembling I decided to buy a new set. While I was at it I grabbed a new set of bolts. I took the old set out and this time I could unscrew them by hand and the bolts fell right out. I coated the new bolts with neverseize before putting them in too.