Rotary Cutter I love changing bush hog blades

   / I love changing bush hog blades #11  
The blades on my King Kutter were so bad I had to remove them to sharpen them this year. I followed your same procedures. It had set outside for a couple of years before I had a barn for storage, and that stump jumper holds water like a bowl. The bolts were seized in there good. I used a 6' cheater on the 3/4" breaker bar, and it took everything I had to break the nuts free. I used blocks of wood under it to hold the blade and jumper in place while I slammed the bolts with 3lb and then 8lb sledges. When I got them out I cleaned them with a wire brush and slathered them top to bottom with neverseize. The blades were so bad that after reassembling I decided to buy a new set. While I was at it I grabbed a new set of bolts. I took the old set out and this time I could unscrew them by hand and the bolts fell right out. I coated the new bolts with neverseize before putting them in too.
   / I love changing bush hog blades #12  
When I got them out I cleaned them with a wire brush and slathered them top to bottom with neverseize. The blades were so bad that after reassembling I decided to buy a new set. While I was at it I grabbed a new set of bolts. I took the old set out and this time I could unscrew them by hand and the bolts fell right out. I coated the new bolts with neverseize before putting them in too.

I use never sieze in large amounts:D I only use the high temp commercial stuff as I have had issues with the silver Permatex types. 30 years of boiler and machine repair have taught me that never sieze is cheap insurance.
   / I love changing bush hog blades #13  
Amen on the never seize.
I struggled for a couple of hours last month, trying to get the blades off my rotary mower. I bought it used and have had it about 4 years. I'm sure the blades have never been taken off. I uased the impact wrench, the rebar and the 10# sledge method.
Man was that a good feeling to see those bolts finally pop out!
They went back in slathered with never seize.
By the way, I just bought a new disc harrow and while preparing for storage outside, I removed the axle nuts and washers and painted them with never seize. Someday I'll thank myself. ;)
   / I love changing bush hog blades #14  
The tip about putting a jack under the stumpjumper is the ticket, I beat on my bolts for about 15 minutes when my dad pulled up and asked me if I wanted him to show me how to drive those bolts out and I said sure, he placed a short bottle jack under the stumpjumper close to the bolt and told me to drive it out, 3 licks later and it was out, same with the other bolt, something so simple and I did'nt figure it out, glad I had someone to show me. There is no substitute for EXPERIENCE.:D
   / I love changing bush hog blades #15  
I have a KK and ended up cutting off the blade bolts with a grinder... After I removed the whole stump jumper from the mower.
   / I love changing bush hog blades #16  
I'm going to assume that you guys are working on a cement surface? The 4 inch steel pipe sound like a great idea, if I could figure out how to support it.

I did mine last year. Took almost six months tinkering on and off to the it done. Couldn't get the nuts off at first, had a buddy comer and help. Between him, me and the 5' pipe on the end of the ratchet, finally got the nuts off. Then it too some doing for me to drive the bolts out. I think I used antiseize. Well I hope I did.

   / I love changing bush hog blades #17  
Took my blades off this week, removed the nut and taped the bolds out. Touched up the edges and weighed them, same oz's for both. Used a floorjack to lift them back in place (bolt and blade at the same time). Perhaps 30 min total. This was a first for Me. Might of lucked out:D
   / I love changing bush hog blades #18  
the bolts on landpride came off fairly easily with a breaker bar
   / I love changing bush hog blades #19  
The blades on my 5' Kingkutter had to be removed with a 1" impack wrench. one that you change big truck tires and 250 LBS of air on it broke them off and replaced them with new ones also applied anti seize.
   / I love changing bush hog blades #20  
Man, that's crazy
Really, before this one, it's not been such a problem.
Couple love taps on a punch and it comes right out.
No idea why this one was so stuck.


I agree. I've been using Bush Hogs for close to 40 years and this by far the most difficult I've ever had. I'm pretty good at fixing things and have a good collection of tools. I think some how the bolt got heated and the heat and pressure caused it to weld on. For those who don't know heat and pressure are a legit way of actual welding. You just don't want it to occur where not desired.


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