I have a RANT .

   / I have a RANT . #111  
Well I have to pass some. But most cars on the rural Interstate are doing at least 70.

Around here it's a free-for-all. Left lane people are doing 80, until they come up behind a left-lane-loafer. Sometimes on the NYS Thruway I find I move better in the right lane (of 3). "Keep Right Except to Pass" is forgotten around here. And once you cross the bridges to NYC/LI all rules go out the window. I avoid the Metro area.
Nothing like doing 75 in a 55 zone (Long Island Expressway) and getting passed like you are standing still by 1/4 of the cars on the road.

Aaron Z
   / I have a RANT . #112  
All this talk about speed and speed limits makes it obvious that many of you are not old enough to remember the oil shortage and national speed limit of 55 mph of the 1970s.:laughing:

I think that was in the late 60s.

I for sure remember it. Plugging along on coast to coast trips at about 57 on highways designed for 65-70. I appreciated Montana in them days. They ticketed for over 55 but it was only a $5 ticket payable at the side of the road. They used to have "reasonable and proper" limit. i.e., none at all. You could debate with the cop if your speed met the R&P criteria.

Harry K
   / I have a RANT . #113  
I think that was in the late 60s.

I for sure remember it. Plugging along on coast to coast trips at about 57 on highways designed for 65-70. I appreciated Montana in them days. They ticketed for over 55 but it was only a $5 ticket payable at the side of the road. They used to have "reasonable and proper" limit. i.e., none at all. You could debate with the cop if your speed met the R&P criteria.

Nope! Oil shock of 1973, the arabs lost a war with the Isrealis, and cut production. I got laid off for the first time as a result. Also gave us a recession that lasted into 1975.

Harry K

The oil shock of 73, caused by the arabs losing a war with the Isrealis. Caused the recession of 73 - 75. I got laid off the first time in November of 73. I was 18. Ended up moving back home early in 74.....We got the 55 mph limit in early 74?
   / I have a RANT . #114  
The oil shock of 73, caused by the arabs losing a war with the Isrealis. Caused the recession of 73 - 75. I got laid off the first time in November of 73. I was 18. Ended up moving back home early in 74.....We got the 55 mph limit in early 74?

Texas started it at the end of 1973. I had bought a new 1973 Winnebago Brave (smallest one they made) and it had a 40 gallon fuel tank. A lot of gas stations in our area limited sales to 10 or 15 gallons, so I'd get the limit at one station, drive down the street to the next station, etc. I was a bit concerned about starting for West Virginia in the summer of 1974, but never found any shortage of gas or limits on sales amounts.

But in late March, 1986, I was enroute to Quantico, VA, on my Honda Aspencade and kept the cruise control on about 57 mph most of the way, but in Atlanta, I was afraid I'd get run over if I didn't speed up, so I sped up to between 70 and 75 mph, and at one point an 18-wheeler passed me on one side at the same time a police squad car passed me on the other side.:shocked: They both had to have been doing between 75 and 80.
   / I have a RANT .
  • Thread Starter
I have a freind of mine who is working on driverless cars fo GM. He says if they want to, it could be implemented within 10 years. But there is resistance.
Ithink that program is in effect , however all the major players seem to be on board . Get it ? From what I can tell most cars are driverless ?
   / I have a RANT . #116  
Ithink that program is in effect , however all the major players seem to be on board . Get it ? From what I can tell most cars are driverless ?

Good one. smart phones.jpg
   / I have a RANT . #118  
The next big change I think will be more collision avoidance technology. The semi my brother drives has that now, when it's engaged it applies the brakes if the distance from the vehicle ahead is too close. He is not a fan so far, it may need some refinements. Lane crossing warnings, front distance braking, are common options now on cars.

A little late to the party but I'll chime in.

I feel bad for the truckers if that system works like I think. Cause I cannot begin to count how many times I see 4-wheels cut infront if rigs with a car length or less clearance.

I71 is now 3-lane each way from columbus to cleveland (I think). At least as far north as Ashland. Since a few years ago Ohio upped the limit for Semi's to the same as cars. So its not uncommon to see a semi's in the middle lane running 70-75. They usually get back over when clear, but after passing another rig, They make sure they give a good bit of distance before getting back over. For whatever reason, that extra courtesy between truckers ticks some people off. And if someone is already in the left lane doing 75, and they want to be doing 80, they will pass the truck on the right, and the split second that they are clear of the truck, they cut in front of him.

And many times, its a perpetuating cycle. Where all the trucker wants to do is get over, but by the time the first idiot is around him on the right, there are 2 more following suit.:mad:

There have been many times I have been in the left lane in a situation like this, And after I am clear of the truck and ready to move to the middle lane, I almost get sideswiped by the idiot that just passed on the right also trying to merge to the middle lane.

I hate those that pass on the right, and bop and weave in and out of traffic. Not saying I never pass on the right when someone falls asleep doing the limit or under in the left lane, but in heavy traffic, and really no where to go other than with the flow.......

Kinda like when there is a line of traffic in the left lane doing 75-80 passing a good bit of traffic to the right. If there is a gap to the right about the size of a semi, some idiot always tries to hop in there and pass as many as he can before darting back in the left lane.
   / I have a RANT . #119  
LD1, I saw a lot of those same folks you complain of on I35E yesterday afternoon north of Dallas. It's also 3 lanes each way.