Two stories; 1. Wife and I were sitting on front porch one Sunday afternoon, and I could hear this aweful racket that sounded like a sewing machine on steroids loud enough to compete with front row seats at a rock concert. It was loud and unusual enough that I stood up and walked into the yard aways when I could see a rather large motorhome coming down the hwy. At first I thought something was wrong with the motorhome, but as he passed, I saw the source of the problem; There was a Volkswagen Beetle hitched up to the rear of the MH. I could visualize them (pro'ly ol what's her name") driving the bug behind the mh in first gear and hubby hooks up the towbar. Someone forgot to place the transmission in neutral. At one time I actually calculated the engine rpm's in first gear at 65 mph, and it was pretty darned high. They blew right by us fat, dumb, and least until they got home and tried to start the vw bug. I'll bet the battery was well charged though.
2. A couple of years before the MH incident, an 18 wheeler lost a set of duals on the hwy in front of our property. The duals ran across the road, and straddled my fence. Snapped off 17 posts like toothpicks before tangling in the hogwire, and turning sideways. I called the sherriffs office in case there was a related incident. The deputy told me over the phone, that they would come pick up the tires. I responded, "Not until my fence is repaired your not" He was not conditioned to being talked to like that. He said, "Well they are not yours sir." I said, "there not yours either, and they are on my property, so as far as I'm concerned, they are mine until someone wants to claim them, and I will trade them for enough money to fix my fence."
No one ever called, and six months later I sold them for $150. Didn't near bout cover the fence repair cost, ...but...that's life. I still chuckle when I think about those two stories, and I'll never forget what a vw beetle sounds like in first gear at 65 mph. Had to be close to 9000 rpm or more.