How not to load a truck on to a trailer

   / How not to load a truck on to a trailer #1  


Super Member
Feb 10, 2011
This is pretty funny:laughing: It looks like the ramps hold up well.

   / How not to load a truck on to a trailer #2  
Way too fast! Guy deserves it
   / How not to load a truck on to a trailer #3  
...when idiots are left to their own devices. :rolleyes:

   / How not to load a truck on to a trailer
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I think he would have been okay if someone would have been on the brake in truck with trailer hooked to it.
   / How not to load a truck on to a trailer #5  
I think he would have been okay if someone would have been on the brake in truck with trailer hooked to it.

He hit that trailer too fast. What's with the hurry?
   / How not to load a truck on to a trailer #6  
The reason he hit the ramps fast was that he was trying to load the pickup without power, and apparently was too cheap to invest in a good winch.

The ramps were designed with a triangular corner to prevent sagging. When the tow vehicle rolled forward, it caught the front corner of the ramps and popped the ends up.

No idea why the emergency brake wasn't set, and perhaps also blocks under the tires, but hindsight plans are always better than foresight plans.
   / How not to load a truck on to a trailer #7  
It was funny thou.:laughing: I wonder who's truck he was loading? a customers?
   / How not to load a truck on to a trailer
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It was funny thou.:laughing: I wonder who's truck he was loading? a customers?

IDK if the truck was the guys that was fimling. It looked like a nice truck.

Here is another good video.

   / How not to load a truck on to a trailer #10  
Motorcycles are tough to load in a truck