How long do coolant hoses last?

   / How long do coolant hoses last? #1  


Super Star Member
Feb 27, 2012
New Hope PA
in between now
Would appreciate feedback from anyone who has had a coolant hose fail over time.
I have a twelve year old used Jaguar XJR I just bought and am considering changing out the coolant hoses.
Mechanic said Euro hoses were better quality than American and that I could expect at least 20 years.
I am NOT a wait until it fails guy. Definitely into preventive maintenance and do not want to be yet another car on the side of the road
with steam coming out.

So how long do auto/truck coolant hoses last? Clearly external conditions have some effect, but does 20 years make sense?
I would have thought less.
And which goes first, the upper or the lower coolant hose? Which is first to go, that should be the one first to replace...

Am changing the coolant on a 12 year old car with 72k miles. My instincts are to change out the upper and lower radiator hoses
but am I just wasting money? There is value to me in not worrying about things though.

How many years in did a coolant hose fail on you?
   / How long do coolant hoses last? #2  
I replaced my 1981 John Deere's hoses a couple years ago, and the old ones were still serviceable. But, I remember in my youth, that radiator hoses failed with less years on them. So, the quality of the hose probably means something. Back then, it was common for radiator/heater cores/and hoses to go south on you at the worst of times... But if you are going to flush your system, why not throw a new set of hoses... Then you know you should be good to go for X amount of years in the future. Hoses are not that expensive in the long scheme of things. :)
   / How long do coolant hoses last? #3  
Our 1983 240D Benz was sold at 26 years of age with the original heater and radiator hoses. They were still very pliable.

Only radiator hose I've ever had go was on the wife's 1961 Studebaker Lark when it was only about 4 years old. Kept it years longer and never replaced another hose.

On the 240D, I changed the antifreeze every other year (regimen then) and had to remove the lower hose to empty the radiator. Hose was still good after 26 years, but the radiator blew out its plastic bottom in about 1995.

   / How long do coolant hoses last? #4  
My advice is to not worry about the 'life' of the hoses that you have on your Jag... go ahead and replace the hoses (AND BELTS) when you flush your cooling system.

Compared to the inconvenience, and possibly expense related to a failed hose or belt, as well as the value of your car, good maintenance makes good sense. They always fail at the most opportune time. There is no such thing as 'over maintenance'.

You can mark me down as one that is overly conscientious about maintenance. I'm the same way about oil, grease, filter changes, and tires.
   / How long do coolant hoses last? #5  
Want to really be safe, every five years....HS
   / How long do coolant hoses last? #6  
If you change your hoses you might want to think about heater hoses and thermostat.
   / How long do coolant hoses last? #7  
Would appreciate feedback from anyone who has had a coolant hose fail over time.
I have a twelve year old used Jaguar XJR I just bought and am considering changing out the coolant hoses.
Mechanic said Euro hoses were better quality than American and that I could expect at least 20 years.
I am NOT a wait until it fails guy. Definitely into preventive maintenance and do not want to be yet another car on the side of the road
with steam coming out.

So how long do auto/truck coolant hoses last? Clearly external conditions have some effect, but does 20 years make sense?
I would have thought less.
And which goes first, the upper or the lower coolant hose? Which is first to go, that should be the one first to replace...

Am changing the coolant on a 12 year old car with 72k miles. My instincts are to change out the upper and lower radiator hoses
but am I just wasting money? There is value to me in not worrying about things though.

How many years in did a coolant hose fail on you?
A few months back I had my wife's 2003 SUV in for its 100,000 mile service and it still had all original hoses and belts(brake pads also) on it. The fan belt was showing some wear so I had that replaced but all the hoses were still good and the mechanic suggested not to change them.
Most radiator hoses will start to show a bulge before they blow so a visual inspection will turn up a weak hose before it blows.

Changing the hoses would be cheap insurance against a failure though and since you are pulling the lower hose anyway to flush the old anti-freeze out, it might be a good time to change that one out. The top is much easier to get to for replacement than the bottom one and can be changed without a lot of coolant loss if you elect to leave it as is for now.

If you decide to change the hoses, don't forget to change the heater hoses also and any other hoses that circulate water from the radiator. I have had heater hoses blow when the radiator hoses were still good.
   / How long do coolant hoses last? #8  
We all love to complain about declining quality in modern manufacturing compared to the good ole days but there are some elements in engines and cars that are clearly better and more reliable today than yesteryear. I'd put hoses, along with belts, spark plugs, oils, tires, electric gauges and batteries into the "newer is better" pile. We used to see cars pulled over with broken belts and hoses routinely. It's relatively uncommon today. Hose materials are better today and last longer. Engines generally last longer and not because folks are more conscientious about preventive maintenance. Older notions of when items like hoses or oil need changing need to be reassessed in light of the overall improvement in engine reliability.

I'd check hoses, belts Etc annually but only change if visible deterioration was evident.
   / How long do coolant hoses last?
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thanks for info guys, I am reminded of the life ratings for shingle roofs.
I wouldn't routinely replace a 30 year roof if I were only at 12 years, unless it showed some
physical wear. My problem is I don't know how long the hoses now routinely last, what the "normal" is.
I agree, yes, modern chemistry/engineering can give us better hoses. I have replaced normal hoses with silicon hoses in my old boat
and I sure know what those cost, yikes. This car was built under Ford's ownership and QC, with some Ford Mondeo parts but still an all aluminum car
whose body at least isn't going anywhere for a long long time. I'm just trying to get it reliable. Salesman not helpful in getting service records. Bought out of state.
So I have only my eyes and ears and instincts to go on.