How is Bird doing?

   / How is Bird doing? #121  
Heart disease may be a food born disease. I have no way of knowing whether those doctors are right or not. Too many times, I've found that doctors are absolutely sure of something only to decide later that they were absolutely wrong. I've also heard that heredity has a great deal to do with it. . . .

If there is anything in life that we should demand evidence for it should be that which affects our health and well being. I'm not interested in opinions, newspaper articles, beliefs or vague internet search results. I'm interested in science, the best available balance of evidence published in the peer-review medical literature shows right now.

I agree with what Dr. Greger says. He says to show me the science, because none of us were born with this information. Just don't tell me the source, show me the source.
When it comes to critical, life-altering decisions, it's not enough for some expert to cite their sources they should give you their sources, so you can make up your own mind.