How I spent my Sat this weekend

   / How I spent my Sat this weekend #1  


Veteran Member
Feb 9, 2005
Olathe, Ks
Yanmar 1602D
Turning this............ (and another pile just as big)


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    857554-Wood pile1.jpg
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   / How I spent my Sat this weekend
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into this..........


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    857556-Gone 2.jpg
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   / How I spent my Sat this weekend
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I used a 12" Vermeer chipper rented from the local rental yard to do the deed. It was a lot of work, but the results are worth it. I don't have any water plumbed here yet, so I wasn't comfortable with burning them, although it was probably wet enough to do so safely.
   / How I spent my Sat this weekend #4  
The way the wind's been blowing, if you had burned that pile you might have set my house on fire!

   / How I spent my Sat this weekend
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yes, we loaded the chipper hopper by hand. I had a buddy helping me, and it took two of us to lift some of the bigger/heavier logs...........

I rented a Vermeer 12" chipper, it cost me $300 for one day, but we only had 4 hours on the hour meter at the end of a 9 hour day, and we were wiped out. I still had a few more big pieces in another location that I wish I had gone ahead and chipped up, I still had about an hour before I had to have it back and we could have done them in about 20 minutes, but we were both just too tired!

That chipper would take a 30' long tree and make mulch out of it in less than a minute!

The pics don't do justice to the size of the pile, it was about 30' by 20' by 10' high, and I had two piles!
   / How I spent my Sat this weekend #7  
The nice thing about a rental chipper is that you don't have to be too worried about a little dirt on the wood. After you rest up, I have a 90x30x8' tall pile for you to destroy. Burning slash ain't no walk in the park either, even that beats you up pretty good.
   / How I spent my Sat this weekend
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Problem is, I could make 4 more piles bigger n those with what I have left to chop down/up! Those had been sitting out in the middle for about 2 years and I was tired of looking at them, mowing around them and wondering what was living inside of em! I feel much better now that they're gone. next I'll start spreading the chips around the trees and fill in where the dirt has eroded away over the roots.
More seat time, yay!

PS to Dan, I'll be over your way end of the month, visiting grandkids in "West" Carolina /forums/images/graemlins/cool.gif
   / How I spent my Sat this weekend #9  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( Burning slash ain't no walk in the park either, even that beats you up pretty good. )</font>

You got that right! We had five piles going two weeks ago, I thought I'd been through the ringer! It was a blast but I didn't expect to be so tired. Thing is, I've still got three massive piles, and just like Dave, lots more cuttin'!
   / How I spent my Sat this weekend #10  
I've reached the age that turning my brush piles into ashes is a lot easier.

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