How HOT is it....

   / How HOT is it.... #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 21, 2010
Wood County, TX
Kubota M7040SU 2010
It's just June but how Hot is it?????

Hotter than a June Bride in a feather bed.

Hot as a $2.00 pistol.

Hot as a bed of Mesquite coals in a BBQ joint.

Hot as a depot stove.

Hot enough to melt leather and it still on the cow.

   / How HOT is it.... #2  
I was at a restaurant last night with my wife. The television that usually has Food Channel had the Weather Channel on due to our recent tornado near miss. When they showed the national map, Texas was red, red, red all over.
   / How HOT is it.... #4  
Last year they said we had 89 days over 90 degrees with only 1 day being
in May. This year we had 7 in May, not getting off to too good a start. Only
about 6 years ago we had a summer with I think 5 days over 90, it was one
of the most comfortable summers I can remember.
   / How HOT is it.... #6  
I'm about to go climb on one of my motorcycles to ride out to the weekend place. I won't be able to spend the night but I'm just going to check on things out there today and maybe do a few hours tractor work. It is supposed to be around 100 again today here in SE Texas.

People often tell me (tell me, get it; they tell me even though they don't ride motorcycles) that it shouldn't be too bad on the bike since I get all that wind. I respond to them "Yeah, it's cool in the wind. Cool, like sitting in front of a heater on a really hot day!" You not only get the hot air, but the engine heat plus the heat coming off the pavement.

I've been doing it for lots and lots of years and hundreds of thousands of miles but it seems the older I get the worse the heat gets. :laughing:
   / How HOT is it.... #7  
Yeah but a hot ride on the bike still beats a cool day in the office. The only time the heat bothers me on the bike is if I get caught in a traffic jam.

As a friend of mine used to say, "It is always easier to find a shade tree than a fire."
   / How HOT is it.... #8  
I don't know why, but it is hot enough at 2pm today to make the thermometer outside my bedroom window read 106! It is usually a degree or two above the official temp, but today it is almost 8 degrees above what the airport is reporting.

Steve, pretty sure both your dog and rabbit stopped under the porch for a nap when they got here.
   / How HOT is it.... #9  
We broke our 90 degree streak today with only 88 an lower humidity but man is the ground drying out fast.
   / How HOT is it.... #10  
Hot you say? Nothing, when I was in engineering school in the early 60 s, my buddy was from a steel mill town in Illinois and would spend the summer at home earning some school money in the mill. One day he was asked if he wanted to work OT this coming Saturday in the Soaking Pit and remember to bring his steel tipped work boots. Report to gate 1234 and see the Forman. The Forman pointed him to a field shack and tolled him to pickup a hood, jacket, pants and wooden clogs to fit over his boots. BTW his out fit was all asbestos. Once at the pit, no water. The pit was about 50 feet deep lined with refectory brick, just about glowing. The pit is used to cool down the hot rolled steel slowly. The job is to go down into the pit and chip away the slag. there were 3 teams, each teem spent 3 minutes down, and came up when the whistle was blown, than the next teem went down, 3 down, 6 up. now he was a big, big boy, standing 6-7 at 260. When he got home he fell into bed, slept all night, did not get out of bed till late Sunday evening and still pooped Monday and Tuesday. Now can you top that for hot?