How far along are you

   / How far along are you #1  


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2005
central Illinois near Lake Shelbyville
Case 2090 Massey Ferguson 4233 John Deere 4700
I am curious how far along with planting most of the farmers on here are. I have 30 acres of soybeans left to plant unless the rain we got the past couple of days forces me to replant some of my crops. I would say as a whole we 98% done with all planting in my area. I am hearing stories that Indiana and Ohio have very little corn planted and no beans. Iowa I hear is about as far along as we are here. I also Nebraska was way behind and Texas was done but in a drought. We are later then normal here. Last year I finished planting beans on the 9th of May and this year I started planting corn on the 10th of May. I was done with corn last year by April 20th. 2009 I started planting corn april 26th and finished June 6th. Soybeans I planted until july 3rd.
   / How far along are you #3  
Our market garden is about 80% in. Hope to finish most of it this weekend.

However, as I write, the thermometer says 29F. We'll have to replant the beans. Anything that emerged will be gone. A little anxious about the corn, we shall see. I'll replant that too. With a shower tonight and 4 days of 80 degree weather forecast, it'l be right back and I'll only lose a week.

Potato emergence is gone, but they'll come back better than ever, no worries.

Covered 100 tomato plants last night with another 50 still in pots. Ditto the green peppers.

It is what it is when you do this at 45th parallel. Gotta keep your perspective and move on.
   / How far along are you #4  
Harvesting is an issue too. I don't plant but I do consume hay or rather my horses do. Here in south central KY, there has been about two "iffy" days if that for getting the hay in.

One of my friends helped his uncle get some small bales in but I have to wonder just how dry they were? Mostly, I have been seeing some pathetic looking round bales or bleached out rained on hay waiting to get round baled.

We are supposed to have about five days of good weather starting today so I expect my supplier will get his done. Lucky for him, he cut way back this year. Lucky for me, I will get mine and his is not over matured.