Hive Mind opinion wanted on dealer issue

   / Hive Mind opinion wanted on dealer issue
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Well, they were unwilling to deal
Said I owed both.
I said I"m paying twice for the same problem, that wasn't fixed correctly the first time.
They were unwilling to deal. (I was willing to pay the 717, seems to me that they didn't do it right the first time. Not besides the fact it cost me multiple trips, 10's of wasted hours, etc)
I said fine, i'll pay, but i'm NEVER coming back.

After this disaster with the TC is done, that's it for this place and I'm sure it shouldn't take more than 3 or 4 days to break the TC 3 times (hasn't yet, why should a new one be any different?)
   / Hive Mind opinion wanted on dealer issue #12  
Seems like the dealer could cut some slack there, since it was the same problem not fixed the first time. He isn't paying his workers anywhere near what he's charging you for labor, so even if he forgave the 422 (or 422 less list price for parts used that time) he won't make ROI or all his overhead, but would still come out more than the dealer cost of parts and dealer cost of labor/benefits.
   / Hive Mind opinion wanted on dealer issue #13  
I'll repeat the comment I made in the NH thread that it may be time to start looking at legal options. This is NEVER something to jump into, but if it's a choice between legal options and going bankrupt (or losing the $33k or whatever you paid for a new NH45 cab) I don't see any reason not to.

I would agree that sometimes different locations of a chain vary significantly. I bought my JD from a small location of a local chain with 6 locations and huge market share. Their biggest, nicest store provides mediocre service to anyone above riding mower and below $100k tractor. The location I bought from has been wonderful, patient and helpful. But I don't know if this has any relevance to Brian's situation.
   / Hive Mind opinion wanted on dealer issue #14  
Just a thought here regarding the difference in the two bills -- how much time was spent in travel for the tech? As I understand it, you took the tractor in the first time and they came out the second time. If you take the tractor to them, you pay shop time only. If they come to it, the guy and the truck don't spend time on the road for free. I don't know how long the trip was in miles or hours for the tech to get to your tractor, but there was some cost to the dealer for those miles and hours.

I'm not saying they treated you right, just trying to figure out why there is a $300 difference in the bills.

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