HIT PIECE POSTS, pet peeve

   / HIT PIECE POSTS, pet peeve #1  


Veteran Member
Oct 10, 2017
western new york
kubota mx 5100 IH 484 ford 1620 lull 844b
Simply put, if a consumer has an issue w/ a store, a dealer or manufacturer, and feel aggrieved, by all means vent till you are content.

But include some details. Product? Seller? Dates? The Issue? Resolutions and Outcomes? You would not want someone to disparage you, your family, w/ no explanation, Correct? Folks work at those businesses, they, most have pride in their job, if you have a valid complaint, be specific.

Recently someone told me a neighbor is a vile person. I asked what they had done to deserve their rath? Final analysis, there was no legitimate reason, he just disliked my neighbor for no specific reason. I just shook me head, walked away.

Edit: The reference to people was perhaps a poor choice of analogy .

The post intent surrounds critique of a business. To defame a business without details is not something you would deem fair play should YOU be the subject of the POST.
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   / HIT PIECE POSTS, pet peeve #2  
Not knowing what the discussion was I can say that one persons legitimate reason is another person's non-legitimate reason/no specific reason.
Just saying.
There are always two opinions, if not more, anytime two folks are discussing an issue.

I do agree with your sentiment about providing details.
Sometimes however an individual may decide not to provide details about a person/neighbor as it involves personal details that they chose not to bring up.
   / HIT PIECE POSTS, pet peeve #3  
It's a one-sided story and that's why public dealer problem discussions are removed.

As in, TBN member X keeps mentioning several times a week how awful dealer Y is and keeps having his posts removed, causing the moderators an excessive amount of work, to the point that TBN member X's name is actually now in the moderator's auto-text cache because it's been used so many times his computer remembers it for him..... :cool:
   / HIT PIECE POSTS, pet peeve #4  
I agree Major.

There have been some threads with a person going after someone (not a TBN member to defend themselves) so you get one side (bitter/angry) of the story. Unfortunately it can turn into pack animal frenzy with others joining in calling names and furthering building the (false) story....all without any actual good fact behind it.

Sometimes, and very rarely, you find out the truth. And often, as in your example, it turns out the basis for the tale to be rubbish.

And then to top it off, the animals will suddenly act the victim in it all. Ridiculous.

I am getting better at ignoring the threads and the people who start/negatively contribute to them.