Hip Replacement surgery

   / Hip Replacement surgery #1  


Veteran Member
Mar 29, 2002
Bolivar, pa.
power trac 422, and agco-allis 5660, john deere 550 dozer ,1845 power trac
Has anyone had a good or bad experience with hip replacement surgery. I just hd left hip replaced a week ago today and I am curious about what to expect down the line , month, year and beyond. Will I be able to do what I previously have done, cut fire wood, run tractors , take dog for walks on hilly terrain, etc. I am 80 years old and in decent physical condition. Just wanting others experiences that have had it done.
   / Hip Replacement surgery #2  
In general patients often get a new lease on life... the thing is not to go crazy like trampoline crazy and not be unfortunate being one of the few where it doesn't take or product recalled.
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   / Hip Replacement surgery #4  
I had both hips replaced at around age 65 (one at a time). I followed all the physical therapy plus added reps above the required plus more times/day. I was out scouting my firewood sources while still on a cane (2 months worth IIRC). My first question to the doc "What are the restrictions?" Answer "None". 88 now and just came in from another 3 hours cut pile brush in preperation for falling a big tree in a few days Overdoing it a bit as I have hit the wood patches every day most of the spring summer. I don't need the wood but do need the great physical exercise.
   / Hip Replacement surgery
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did you have posterior or anterior incision?
   / Hip Replacement surgery #6  
did you have posterior or anterior incision?
Sorta on the side of the cheek. Fun part was discovering that I was allergic to vinyl tape. Day 2 had a rash and an itch that I couldn't scratch "perfect square" was the nurse's comment.
   / Hip Replacement surgery #7  
My Dad (He turned 88 last Feb) had one replaced about 5 years ago. He was a model patient. He never had any pain and stopped pain meds 3-4 days after surgery. He was discharged 2-3 days after surgery. He had at home physical therapy and 2 weeks early they said he didn't need them any more as he was way ahead of schedule and doing more than they expected. He's always been active and worked most all of his life, he still string trims and mows about 8 acres on a ZT mower.
He said if he had known it would turn out this well, he would have done it years ago and avoided a lot of pain for so long. Now his knee problems/pain is the worst issue but figures he can just deal with it.

My younger brother by 2 years had one replaced last year and the other this past June, both done here in Plano (North Dallas). He said the first one was a great improvement, hopefully the recent one will be as well. He has had an adventurous and accident filled life that has taken it's toll on his body!
   / Hip Replacement surgery #8  
I probably shouldn't post this but saying that...you asked.
Had my left one done 7 or so years ago, operation went great, healing was great no pain after healing well worth it. Three months or so after surgery, I was in the garage making a cover for my daughters heat pump out of pipe. I cut a piece off, bent over to pick it up and wham.....down I went, looking up I thought something/someone had hit me. I laid there for a sec, dazed (more than normal LOL) went to get up and damn near crapped myself from the pain.
Crawled over to my bench sweating like a stuck pig, grabbed a yardstick that was on the bench, hooked my phone off a shelf and called an ambulance. Luckily they were close as I couldn't move the pain was so bad (and I have a pretty high pain tolerance) but I was 10 minutes with my elbows on the table keeping the weight off my hip.
Long story short, I dislocated my hip, xray below.
They relocated? it under anesthetic and all was well. ER doctor said it'll happen again, guaranteed.
Sure enough, few months later I was at work, bored, so I decided to wash the office car that we had. Got back to the office from the steam bay, bent over to clean the tires and again...wham. Only thing is this time I was leaning over the wheel with my hand on the fender so I did a face plant onto the fender. Same deal only this time I had an audience. Ambulance came, bit longer this time 15 minutes but there I was 15 minutes with my forehead getting intimate with the fender :).
Ambulance came and this time they offered me drugs. Morphine first which didn't do crap, took a tiny edge off but still hurt like a mother. In the ambulance they could see every bump I'd wince. They asked me you want to try morphine and fental (sp) combined. Well, that was the kicker didn't feel a thing after that, I almost wanted to blow out the other hip :).
End of story. The surgeon had installed the cup at the wrong angle, it wasn't close enough to vertical for a simple explanation. If I bent the wrong way, it would force the ball out of the socket by leverage. I ended up having another surgery, they removed the cup and inserted a new, different style, so they say.
No problems since other than you can feel it if I move the wrong way. Not painful...just you can feel it saying, "really, you want me to go out again".
Other than the problems with incorrect alignment, it was great and I'd do it again. Hopefully without the problems LOL
And btw, it was cold when I got the xray done :), don't judge ;)


This is what it's supposed to look like:

   / Hip Replacement surgery #9  
I've had both hips done (anterior?). They went in thru the front, not the side or back. Doc said no restrictions, but would rather you not climb a ladder for a few days.

I divorced the walker before I left the hospital the next day. After the first one was done, I was playing golf in 5 weeks. After the 2nd, it took an extra week or so to get back to "normal". Now, pain free and never even know I had them done except for the scars.
   / Hip Replacement surgery #10  
Nothing yet, but with all these leg advancements...
How on earth do the get the net leg perfect? Anyone notice change?
Do they ever adjust for previous problem (add an inch or two for instance)?