Help a brother out: Is e-Hydro safe for haying operations?

   / Help a brother out: Is e-Hydro safe for haying operations? #1  


Gold Member
Mar 28, 2008
Eastern CT
2021 Massey Ferguson 4707
I've heard rumors here and there that hydro transmissions aren't very good for haying, as the constant "same speed" towing for hours can hurt the hydro transmission.

Is this true...or is the JD e-Hydro developed enough (and stout enough) to handle haying for hours?

I have a twinkle in my eye for a new 4520 and would prefer the e-Hydro because I do a fair amount of loader work as well...but the PowrReverser would do I suppose.

Anybody with answers on this?
   / Help a brother out: Is e-Hydro safe for haying operations? #2  
I'm no mechanic, engineer, etc., so I can't say for sure, but I guess everyone has heard that manual gears are better for constant speeds, especially with ground engaging equipment such as plows. So you can take what I say for what it's worth.

When I was helping a neighbor with hay work, he wanted me to run his bigger tractor with the baler while he did the raking, and he had an old Farmall Super H that he was using to do the raking. Well, it broke down early in the day once, so we got my little B7100 Kubota and he continued raking the rest of the day with that. I don't remember how many hours he ran it, but it stared with a full tank of fuel and he ran out. I had to bleed the injectors, refuel it, etc. and he continued the rest of the day.

I later had a Kubota B2710 and used a 5' brush hog with it. Three times I mowed for a neighbor on a job that took about 21 to 22 hours and I did it each time in 2 days. So I ran that little Kubota 11 to 12 hours at PTO speed in mid-range.

I sure can't tell you how well that e-hydro John Deere will last, but personally I wouldn't be afraid to work it in the hayfield.
   / Help a brother out: Is e-Hydro safe for haying operations? #3  
I bought a JD 4120 Power Reverser for loader operation. I love it!!!

   / Help a brother out: Is e-Hydro safe for haying operations? #4  
That makes little sense as most jobs a tractor does in the field are a constant speed for many hours on end. I know that gears might be better for heavy duty ground engaging, but I think thats mostly for power since the hydro does eat a bit of power. As long as you have a tractor large enough for the job, the hydro will be reliable and stay cool.
   / Help a brother out: Is e-Hydro safe for haying operations? #5  
Wobblin-Goblin said:
I've heard rumors here and there that hydro transmissions aren't very good for haying, as the constant "same speed" towing for hours can hurt the hydro transmission.

Is this true...or is the JD e-Hydro developed enough (and stout enough) to handle haying for hours?

I have a twinkle in my eye for a new 4520 and would prefer the e-Hydro because I do a fair amount of loader work as well...but the PowrReverser would do I suppose.

Anybody with answers on this?

What part fo the hay work are you doing with it?

I use my 4720 to pull a rake and move round bales.

You will want the $75 cruise option - your ankle will get tired.

   / Help a brother out: Is e-Hydro safe for haying operations?
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At the very least, if I buy a 4520, it will do the mowing (haybine) and bailing (squares).

The raking will most likely be done with the Massey or my dad's JD 850.

We have about 40 acres of hayfield.
   / Help a brother out: Is e-Hydro safe for haying operations? #7  
Don't overheat it and I think you will be fine. There is a screen in front of the radiator - make sure you keep it clean.

   / Help a brother out: Is e-Hydro safe for haying operations? #8  
I wouldn't hesitate to use it. I don't see how it is any different than using it to brush cut or finish cut large acreage. I plan on using my DK HST for raking eventually but for the mean time I'am looking for a small disc mower and square baler for smaller pastures. I do use if for lots of loader work and bale moving now.
   / Help a brother out: Is e-Hydro safe for haying operations? #9  
I'd think if the hydro wasn't sturdy enough to be used for working a field - any work - then JD (or any other make) wouldn't install them on the bigger machines. The only problem I see with a hydro would be holding down the go-pedal. Make sure you have cruise control!
   / Help a brother out: Is e-Hydro safe for haying operations? #10  
We have used our hydro 3720 to Rolabar rake and even pull a small NH baler. It had plenty of power just the physical size is too small. Can't lift the rake off the ground but it handled the NH baler fine. No way it could even think of pulling the JD 327....

Since I bought the TN65, we only use the 3720 to tedder with a two basket. Its used mostly for loader work, pulling a 6' flail mower and 6' rototiller and spraying with a 100-150 3pt sprayer. Like ddivinia said, get the full cruise kit. When we bought the tractor, it came with cruise control only. It was a real pain to reset the speed every time you stopped the tractor. We bought the extra controls from JD (I don't remember how much $$) and within an hour I had the 2 switches in. Now once you set the cruise speed. all you have to do is push the switch and it brings you back up to the same speed. It also has a limiter switch. If your doing loader work and do not want to go above a certain speed. Last, there is a 'strength?' switch that I only use if I'm carry something with the forks thats ready to topple over at the slightest jerk.

Personaly, I prefer a clutch and gears because it feels more positive but there is nothing like getting into tight places and directional changing like a hydro. Also, you can crawl along at .2mph if you wish.

I have driven a 4x20 with the power reverser. Pretty sure it was 4720 but not positive. Very nice tractor!! I'm sure that tractor would be big enough but it all depends on what size equipment. My only concern for the hydro would be if you work it hard, that it won't last as long as a geared tranny.


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