Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #189,731  
Good morning, the low is 47 and going to a high of 61°F. Wind NW 11 mph. 40% chance of showers or drizzle. aka Scotch mist.

IF it is not raining too hard today, I may go and check oils in both the Z-turn and the genny. I think the Z-turn is due.
I go mostly by the colour.
wildflower honey coloured=fresh
Buckwheat honey coloured=not so fresh
Brown=should change it
Black=shoulda changed it at last check. Do it now!

Ron, there is no meal as good as the one you eat upside down.

Have a safe day all
   / Good morning!!!! #189,732  
Good Morning,
Anna Maria Island, Fl. 72 to start going to 82 !
Today we are going on an afternoon sailing cruise with our friends , 2 1/2 hours. Should be nice as long as we have a nice breeze ! Tonite we meet some old friends that we met on vacation in the Dominican Republic a few years ago ! They live in Bradenton and will drive over here to the island !

Ron, glad you didn’t do any serious damage to the tractor!

Hope all have a blessed and safe day ! 🙏
   / Good morning!!!! #189,733  
56.8 this morning high low 80s getting dry creek almost done did not see baby geese last night

Happy belated birthday to the tornado

Nice picture Ron I do not think I could eat upside down

Prayers for all silent or spoken our Country
   / Good morning!!!! #189,734  
good morning all
a very belated cup of coffee and breakfast since I was in local hospital at 6am getting fasting blood labs drawn.
5 tubes, what a vampire.

Scott, sounds like you are having a ball, don't forget sunscreen, not like the Vermont sun...

Ron, oops, lumps and bumps of life, good you are so talented you can fix it immediately
takes a lickin and keeps on tickin
as it was designed to...

very cool baby geese
I love everything about geese except their bathroom habits
though I think Ron's ducks are the prettiest

going to clean out the rv cabinets today, got some plastic crates that will help me reorganize stuff in the outside lockers.
and I'm sure there's a radish out there saying pick me

I ordered some plumbing adapters online which should come in tomorrow, so I can fix the rv bidet seat supply line, hopefully
so it won't come apart again. Two different sizes, two different kinds of plastic pipe. Going to use some plastic glue on it also
then I might start the engine doghouse project with my stick on sound insulation. Going to set cover out on picnic table and work on it there, keep mess out of rv. Plus I'll be able to check out the top of the engine, which otherwise one can't see at all.

that should keep me out of trouble.
   / Good morning!!!! #189,735  
Good Morning!!!! 54F @ 5:00AM. Plentiful sunshine. High 82F. Winds NW at 10 to 20 mph.
Yesterday's predicted wind never materialized, except maybe for a stiff breeze at sundown. Perhaps it was stronger in the valley? Temps only made it to 75F, a far cry from the forecast 80. Not that I'm complaining, but I doubt it'll break 80 today, either.

Ron, every year I tell myself I'll go around with the pole saw and trim branches before I start mowing. And every year the pole saw hangs on the wall while I mow, and I curse myself for not trimming. Maybe this year I'll get it right.

Did a little bit of everything yesterday, some not even on any list. Stacked more metal into the trailer, and found more that needed a ride south. Learned that the wet Battery Saver on the side-by-side wasn't charging, and watched it quit altogether. Don't have a small enough Philips screwdriver here to open it up, so swapped the one on the firetruck battery to the side-by-side and will hopefully get a charge by this morning. Got the baseboard in the master bedroom closet nailed back on and caulked. Maybe get it painted today.

Shot some photos and put ads up for a skid steer quick attach mounting plate I never ended up using, and the big 24' box trailer. Got an almost immediate inquiry from a fellow named Jesus down in Sacramento that said he want's to come up this morning for the box trailer. Not holding my breath on that one. But that meant clearing a few things out of the trailer, then moving the 5x8 trailer out of the way. Had to put the wheels back on the 5x8 to move it, but need the side-by-side, to pull it. Also had to remove the hitch lock on the 24 footer, which had been on there in the weather for more than 10 years. It came off without too much trouble, though. Used the little Makita air pump to air up the six year old tires on one side, working other jobs every 5 minutes to stay within the duty cycle limits of the pump. Will do the other side this morning. Also found the registration for the box trailer in the Ford glove box. Hadn't seen that for years, either, since California has a permanent trailer registration policy. Need to make up a bill of sale. Don't have a printer here, so it'll be hand scrawled.

Dug out the ashes in the campfire ring and got some seat time running them down to the ash pile. The old back didn't take kindly to all that bending over.

I have a few buckets of lead alloy I use for bullet casting sitting on a pallet, and decided to take some of them with me this trip. There were also two buckets with some unknown stuff in 'em that also got dumped on the ash pile, and will be tossed out. One of the lead buckets leaked, so I had to pour the water off it first. The lead didn't seem to mind. The plastic in all of the buckets was badly sun damaged so the lids broke when I opened them, so they'll get transferred to new buckets for the trip.

Never did get to wire brushing the 5x8 trailer, but it's high on the list for today. Probably get started early while I'm waiting for Jesus to show up.

Hang in there, gang, Friday's comin'!
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   / Good morning!!!! #189,736  
Morning all, 56 going to 86.
Got more sanding/mud done on ceiling in basement.
Should be able to finish sanding today, and hopefully paint and clean tomorrow.
Trim piece stained, not need to cut and fit black backing trim and install for Dishwasher.
Moved a few large branches and bits from the latest downed Ash in the back area.
Surprisingly it's still wet back there.

Still need to move the main trunk, got back there and bucked it into manageable pieces with the CS490. The 20" bar was just the right size.

BEF - hope your neighbor is ok.

Plowhog - babies, cute.

Looks like the T6 oil for the tractor got damaged in shipment, bet that was a mess. Refund given and new one on the way.

Ron, I usually (not always :) ) miss the low branches, it's the ones hiding in the grass that get me and seem to always find a way to pop the belt off the deck.

My transfer to my new group at work is now official!

Nothing planted on the garden yet, can't seem to get more than 2 hours labor before too tired.

Be well,


Little red dot on the trunk is my 490 with 20" bar.
Been a very dependable saw for > 5 years now.
Didn't even bother with the larger saw, this tree is partly sawdust already.
   / Good morning!!!! #189,738  
Good morning!

30F going to sunny 65F today. Should be perfect!

Got 15 new shrubs planted and drip irrigation in place. My aching back reminds me I'm not a kid anymore. Next is to fill the planter with 3" of salt and pepper gravel. Probably 10 yards of gravel to transport then spread-- I will wait a day or two before doing that.

Yesterday the 6 goslings hatched. Mom and Dad were trying to get them to a neighbor property. They could not get past the fence and the goslings can't fly. The neighbor property is extensively landscaped with much more cover and hiding places for the little ones. Plus they have a pond with 24 hour fountain.

To open a gate for them, I had to get close and risk a "goose encounter." But I got it done. Whoosh-- Mom and Dad took their little entourage through the gate and disappeared into the extensive bushes and shrubs.

I'm re-posting the pix of the 6 goslings taking their first steps. It was so fun to see that. btw, in the pix is the diesel tank, pump, and meter I recently scored for $200.


  • Goslings6.jpg
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   / Good morning!!!! #189,739  
Good Morning.
It’s 57°, high just under 80 this afternoon , after the fog burns off.

Not many chores will get done today, I’ll gather up the trash and recycling, bring in a load of ice for the daughters cold therapy machine, but then I’ve got to head to the airport.

Taking a group to Louisville for the Derby. Not staying, just dropping them off and picking them up on Sunday.
The FBO is charging a “special event fee” of $3100 to drop them off and the same to pick them up. I suggested that they go somewhere else rather than being victims of greed, but they said to pay it.
Gives you some insight as to what a weekend at the Derby must cost…..
   / Good morning!!!! #189,740  
Good Morning.
It’s 57°, high just under 80 this afternoon , after the fog burns off.

Not many chores will get done today, I’ll gather up the trash and recycling, bring in a load of ice for the daughters cold therapy machine, but then I’ve got to head to the airport.

Taking a group to Louisville for the Derby. Not staying, just dropping them off and picking them up on Sunday.
The FBO is charging a “special event fee” of $3100 to drop them off and the same to pick them up. I suggested that they go somewhere else rather than being victims of greed, but they said to pay it.
Gives you some insight as to what a weekend at the Derby must cost…..
Wow, I just can't imagine blowing that much money and having nothing to show for it.
Hope you have pleasant hop each way.