Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #189,161  
Good Morning!!!! 52F @ 7:00AM here in Orcutt, CA. Areas of fog early, then partly cloudy this afternoon. High 64F. Winds WNW at 10 to 15 mph.

I remembered to turn off the traction control before starting up the driveway hill and had no trouble getting out yesterday morning, through I could hear lots of gravel being thrown by the front driving wheels. Wish I had a way to weigh the trailer; with all that steel shop equipment in it, I bet it was one of the heavier loads.

Took my time coming down, and the neighbor across the street already had his truck parked in his driveway, so I parallel parked at the curb and will unload today using his driveway to get the rig cross ways to the street. There's a large gate to the back patio on the east side of the garage, so I'll see if I can't back the trailer up to it this time. That means hopping a curb, but I have two crude ramps that should help. That'll make room for unloading the large compressor and cement mixer. Not much room left to unload into the garage any more. Might have a buddy coming over this morning to add an extra pair of eyes as well.

TGIF gang.
   / Good morning!!!! #189,162  
Good Morning Again,
VA lot is 7.3 acres, half gentle sloping grass. Neither lots have your views.

Having a view is nice but here where there is a view there is also wind. A cold wind in the winter and hot wind in the summer, too much wind drives me nuts. o_O
Dennis, Scootr is right about the wind ! I love the views but I have been here in the winter when the whole house actually shakes from that wind out of the west !
Also in the summer, being up at 1200 ft we get baked by the sun until it goes down behind the mountains ! So plus and minus to both I guess ! 😉

Also up here I built the barn and never even needed a building permit ! That may have changed since then !
   / Good morning!!!! #189,163  
Good Afternoon,
A couple start and finish pics of our mulch work today !
Loaded 10 bags in the loader, the tractor took it better than my F150 !

The AG tires on the tractor really marked up the lawn in front of the wall and flower bed ! Tractor and loader weigh well over 5000 lbs and that’s not counting the counter weight on the 3 pt hitch ! Hopefully they will pop back up again ! 😒


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   / Good morning!!!! #189,164  
59F and cloudy @ 10:45, calling for a high of around 63F for the day.

My eyelids were so heavy last night, I couldn't hold them open past 22:00 ...

Slept good though ... (y)

Coffee tasting very good ... even though it's just the last of yesterday's warmed up ... ;)

Got 36 cells planted with Detroit Dark Red sugar beet seeds first thing early yesterday morn ...

Then got all the seed trays watered that needed it.

Moved the sprouted Redbud seedlings outside onto the grill. By the end of the day they were looking like they had enjoyed it.

Then moved aquarium planter outside along with the 4 square pots that go in it. Need to shim up one end of that to level it out.

Got the new greenhouse moved in front of the sliding glass door in the dining room where the aquarium planter stand had been.

Moved the 2 seed trays with the peppers and tomatoes in them into the new greenhouse, put peppers on the top shelf where they would get the heat. Evidently they liked that as this morning a bunch more seeds had popped.

Somewhat repaired the pallet the Menards order was on, still have to replace one board.

Refilled hopper feeder + scattered some for the ground feeders. Still need to reset the pole for the tube feeders.

Created more potting mix using screened compost + perlite + vermiculite.

Started making a screen for the tow-behind spreader out of 1/2 hardware cloth. Got it cut to size and started forming to fit, still have some to do to finish it up.

Got a load of long branches and sapling trimmings hauled up to the brush pile in the compost wood lot.

Snagged one of the cedar "posts" on the way back and brought it down to the house and put it on the tall saw horses. The log is just under 13' long.

Tested out the new draw knife on that ... worked very good ... (y)

Outside layers of the cedar log was pretty punky, an inch or so deep ... but the heartwood below that seemed solid.

Today might be the day to go to town on that, as it cloudy and the temps are cooler.

Took Cub up and got all the leaves and dead weeds raked off the screened compost pile. Did not spray that as it was a little too windy at the time I was up there. Grabbed the short steel sawhorses on my way back down.

Loaded large stepladder onto pallet forks along with four sections of 3/4 copper pipe and hauled all that around back with the Kubota. Got copper pipe stowed in the basement.

Used a couple of 2 x 4's to brace up the end of the deck where the support post had gotten bumped with the loader and had broken. Then broke off the support post and pulled it down.

Set up stepladder and pulled the nails out of the first joist with the crowbar, they came out pretty easily (end-nailed)

The other end is toe-nailed so once I swing that first joist over enough to clear the ledger board it rests on I should be able to pull it down.

But first I have to remove the decking that is nailed into it.

Woman worked on cleaning up back patio area while I was doing that.

Got all the seed heads cut off the rhubarb.

Got the 3 new t-posts for the last section of the vertical trellis pounded in with the new post pounder.

Man ... that thing worked slick ... and it was on sale !

Executive discussion and planning session while we were resting during that about relocating the rhubarb and where to place raised beds in the garden. Also some discussion on fencing.

Rhubarb can be relocated outside of fenced area since animals won't eat it (the leaves are poisonous)

Also determined flower beds don't need fenced - the deer and other critters aren't interested in the iris, daffodils, or peonies. They do nip off the tops of the day lilies when they first come up ... but tend to leave them alone after other browse becomes available.

After that was done Woman went back to patio clean up and I started spraying additional areas in the garden with glyphosate.

About the time I was finished with that the sun was getting low in the western sky, Woman had had enough and needed to go check the spaghetti sauce She started earlier.

So we gathered up all the tools and I headed around to the front and dropped the dump cart and then went out and re-mowed some of the front for about 20 minutes while She cooked the spaghetti noodles.

After dinner I ran the Cub over to the barn and got it put away as it was supposed to rain overnight, Woman went over and gave enioghbor lady's cat its nightly feeding.

Agenda for today:

Maybe work some trimming up and skinning that cedar post, although it's gotten darker and the temp has already fallen to 53F.

Maybe a trip up to the Menards in Cuyahoga Falls for those wire remesh panels.

There is a small planting bed at the southeast corner of the house that I want to remove. The PT timbers that make up the walls are rotten and I want to get it out of the way so I can get the Kubota up close to the deck in order to chuck the junk deck boards into the loader bucket for disposal.

But first I need to dig up and relocate a Stella D'Oro's and several hosta. We have a new planting bed/circle around a small oak on the west side that I covered with chopped up leaves last fall, at least some of the hosta can go there. Stella will probably get potted for the time being.

Amazon orders due in today, peppermint extract is on the truck and out for delivery, also new gardening tool for Woman not yet shipped ... but due in by 22:00.

Hope everyone is having a decent Friday ... (y)
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   / Good morning!!!! #189,167  
Good Morning! Bright sunshine and 72F with light breezes. The Chamber of Commerce's prayers were answered.

Looks like everyone is in a good mood for Friday and the weekend. I always say TGIF - only two more days to Monday. :ROFLMAO: I love weekends but everyday is Saturday now.

Enjoy the day and have fun, eat some ice cream and not the sugar free kind.

Prayers for our Nation!
   / Good morning!!!! #189,168  
I get tired just reading your postings of activity @rswyan. I think you have a mastery of time.

LOL ... good one ... (y)

I'll be sure to share it with The Woman.

She is probably going to want to have a word ...

   / Good morning!!!! #189,169  
Got mower off the trailer this morning, had already rained some.
Had our weekly breakfast with 3/4 of the usual gang today, since we have an event tomorrow.
Costco run after getting home with the wife. My son drove in. He still complains of leg pain.