Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #187,821  
Good Morning this afternoon! Beautiful Day! Sunny and 74f rght now in the beautiful Texas Hill Country. Going to refill the non-ethanol gas cans this afternoon. All that mowing depleted my stockpile.

Hope everyone has a great afternoon and evening! Take a nap if you need it, eat well and be happy! Prayers for our Nation.
   / Good morning!!!! #187,822  
Buzzard almost tastes like chicken? Taking your word for that!
when you think about what a buzzard eats, road kill a specialty, I bet
they taste absolutely awful
but for a big eagle Bob the buzzard would taste yummy

speaking of yummy, found some salmon on sale for 8.99 a pound today, forced myself to buy it even
though not my favorite fish. But it really is good for you.
need to cook it with strong flavoring, I think I have some sweet chutney I might cover it with.

Happy Birthday Sophie.
   / Good morning!!!! #187,823  
speaking of yummy, found some salmon on sale for 8.99 a pound today, forced myself to buy it even
though not my favorite fish. But it really is good for you.
need to cook it with strong flavoring, I think I have some sweet chutney I might cover it with.
It's one of my favorites because its so easy to cook. A little lemon-pepper sprinkled on it with butter is all I use. Enjoy your salmon with whatever you like! I like mine a little crispy around the edges too.
   / Good morning!!!! #187,824  

speaking of yummy, found some salmon on sale for 8.99 a pound today, forced myself to buy it even
though not my favorite fish. But it really is good for you.
Grilled with a bourbon-brown sugar seasoning mix. Followed by a nice slathering of bourbon-honey sauce. Served with cajon fried potatoes and freshly roasted asparagus in an olive oil garlic basting.
   / Good morning!!!! #187,825  
Good Morning TBS,
Here is a picture of my little electric hand held chain saw ! The blade is only about 4” so it’s limited to small branches etc !

Looks very similar to mine. It is a very handy thing to keep on the Lazer for the first mowings in the spring, helps beat back the stuff that pokes out of the hedgerows. I take it in the tractor as well.
   / Good morning!!!! #187,826  
Good Morning,
Ct, 18 to start going to 42 ! Sun will be out shortly, clouds moving in later ! We are in a flood watch area, so probably some puddles in the basement tomorrow! 😒

Our male cat Ginty has been sick for months now, he is not eating hardly anything! Have to bring him in for an ultrasound this morning! We have been giving him meds for months now ! So hoping for the best ! He is a great cat !

Have not heard LS, Ted on at all, hope he is OK !

Wngsprd, boy does that sound familiar! You know you have a tractor to do the job but instead you try to save some time, and in the end it costs you what your trying to save ! 😉

Hope all have a blessed and safe day! 🙏
Strong thoughts for Ginty. 🤞